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For more information, please ask in-store.
Alternatively visit our website www.eu.aibo.com or call us on: +44 (0) 20 7365 2947
© 2005 Sony Entertainment Robot Europe. All rights reserved. Sony, AIBO, VAIO, Memory Stick and their logos are trademarks of Sony Corporation, Japan. Features and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. Wireless LAN can only be used
in the countries listed below. In those in bold, some limitations apply on the use of the product. AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GR, IE, IT, LU, NL, NO, PT, SE, UK. Sony disclaims any liability or responsibility for any typographical errors in this brochure.
Sony Entertainment Robot Europe, a division of Sony Service Centre (Europe) N.V., The Corporate Village, Da Vincilaan 7 D-1, B-1935 Zaventem, Belgium. ©, October 2005.
AIBO touches your heartstrings, wirelessly.
looking for a taker
The centrepiece of AIBO’s artifi cial intelligence
is the AIBO Mind 3 software, located on a removable
Memory Stick. This controls AIBO’s behaviour and
the applications that you can use via a PC or a mobile
device equipped with e-mail access.
AIBO has artifi cial instincts to move around, look for
its toys, satisfy its curiosity, play and communicate
with its owner. AIBO’s personality develops by
interacting with people, and according to its
different experiences.
A 128 MB Memory Stick integrates
all applications and enables AIBO
to behave autonomously as well as benefi t
from PC-based applications.
a mind to explore
The fascinating AIBO concept is part of the very conscious
ambition from Sony to create intelligent companions for people.
To achieve this, a groundbreaking vision to combine Sony fl ag-
ship technologies with Artifi cial Intelligence was pursued.
The result: a unique companion, gradually adapting itself to
your environment, capable of expressing emotion, very skilful
and with an inherent desire to entertain. AIBO will win your
heart and entertain your mind.
AIBO Cards offer an alternative way
of communicating visually with AIBO.
These cards allow it to be given several
instructions including ‘Dance’ or ‘Take a picture’.
Your Artifi cial Intelligence Companion
Dimensions 180 (W) x 278 (H) x 319 (D) mm
Weight Approx. 1.6kg
(including battery and Memory Stick)
CPU 64bit RISC Processor
CPU Clock Speed 576MHz
Memory (SDRAM) 64MB
Program Storage Media 128MB AIBO Memory Stick
Wireless LAN Card IEEE 802.11b (Integrated)
Media Memory Stick slot In/Out
AIBO MIND 3 (software Memory Stick), WLAN Manager 3
& AIBO Entertainment Player Ver.2.0 (CD), Energy Station,
Energy Station pole, AC adapter, Lithium ion battery pack ERA-7B2,
pink ball, AIBOne, AIBO cards, documentation.
Supplied Accessories
Temperature Sensor
Acceleration Sensor
Electric Static Sensor: head, back
Pressure Sensor:
chin, paws (4)
Vibration Sensor
Miniature Speaker: 20.8mm, 500mW, with volume switch
64 Polyphonic Sound Chip
Emotional Face Lights
Illume Face:
24 LED (white 12, red 4, blue 4, green 4)
Ear: 2 (left and right)
Head Sensor: 2 (white and amber)
Head: 1 (blue: wireless LAN on/off)
Back Sensor: 16 (white 8, red 3, blue 3, orange 2)
Technical Specifi cations
back touch sensor/LED
ear LED
paw sensor
CMOS Image Sensor
350,000 pixels
pause button
head touch sensor/LED
head LED
movable head
distance sensor
movable mouth
chin touch sensor
movable ear
movable tail
AIBO_mind3_ENG.indd 1 30-09-2005 10:38:33

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