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2 Advantages
• The appliance must be returned to the manufacturer or his service agent if the link
has ruptured.
• When storing the appliance, allow it to cool down before folding
• Do not crease the appliance by placing items on top of it during storage
• Examine the appliance frequently for signs of wear or damage. If there are such signs
or if the appliance has been misused, return it to the supplier prior to any further use.
• This appliance is not intended for medical use in hospitals
• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent
or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
• When not in use, store as follows :clean all parts of the product and put them into the
original packing box for storage.
• The appliance is not to be used by young children unless the child has been adequately
instructed on how to operate the appliance safely.
• Important instructions. Retain for future use.
• Pressure point load max. 50 kg. Protect yourself and your belongings of
leaking water.
• The product has a patented protection against overheating.
• This warmer is a new-style hot water bottle which is made of special material. It can
keep warm and make you feel very soft, comfortable and convenient.
• The warmer is one of the new healthy and keeping warm products. It can ease pains
such as arthritic, toothache, headache, back and neck pain, chilblain.
• It has big difference from normal warmer. You don’t have to fill in or change water
since it is already filled with water.
• It takes 10-15 minutes charged the warmer and it can keep warm for 2-5 hours.
• There is no danger of burning.
• Before charging this warmer, please put the warmer and charging rack flat on table
with the plug upward, Then insert the charging rack on the warmer and connect the
• The soft warmer will automatically cut off and the indicating light will turn off after
10-15 minutes heating. The surface temperature is about 50ºC at that time. It means
the temperature has arrived the rated temperature. Then please pull out the charging
rack, the warmer can be used freely without the charging rack.
• When the warmer is cool, you may take the front steps to recharge again.
All products are checked from our company before the delivery. In case that there is a
lack on your product, please contact the vendor. Please bring your proof of purchase for
Please remove the heater properly. You can bring the product to any specialist dealer
fort he removal.
Technical changes
Technical changes in technique and design are possible.
Please save the packaging materials of the unit.
CE Declaration of Conformity
This device complies with the following standards
EN 60335-2-15: 2002 + A1:2005 + A2A2: 2008
EN 60335-1: 2012
EN 62233: 2008
3 How to use
4 Technology parameter
5 Warranty / Removal
Average power 360 Watt
Rated voltage / Frequency 230 Volt / 50 Hz
Dimensioni h x l x w 26 x 19 x 5 cm
Weight 0.7 kg

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