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CENTRALIS indoor RTS is a radio receiver for AC motor compatible with the RT and
RTS controls : Centralis RTS / Telis 1 RTS / Telis 4 RTS / INIS RT.
Up to twelve controls can be memorized together in the memory of CENTRALIS
indoor RTS allowing individual, group and master commands.
Two intermediate positions can be programmed.
inteo Centralis indoor RTS2
80 mm
80 mm
45 mm
Supply : 220-240V 2,5A 50/60Hz
Fuse : 3,15A
Output timing : 3 minutes.
Frequency : 433.42 MHz
Protection index : IP30
Temperature : +5°C to +40°C
Class II product
Supply :100-120V 5A 50/60Hz
Fuse : 6,3A
Output timing : 3 minutes.
Frequency : 433.42 MHz
Protection index : IP30
Temperature : +5°C to +40°C
Class II product
Installation allowed only by authorized electrician.
Before connecting the unit, read the instructions carefully.
We reserve the right to make changes due to technical improvements.
SOMFY SAS, capital 20.000.00 Euros, RCS Bonneville 3033.970.230
Centralis indoor RTS2
Centralis indoor RTS2 can either be placed in a 50 mm inset mounting box (60 mm spacing) or surface mounted.
The range of radio control is limited by laws regulating radio devices and by building design. When planning, please ensure that there is adequate radio
Recommandation of mounting in order not to affect quality of reception :
minimum distance between Centralis indoor RTS2 and the floor : 1,5 m.
minimum distance between a Centralis indoor RTS2 and a radio transmitter : 30 cm.
minimum distance between two Centralis indoor RTS2 : 20 cm.
Centralis indoor RTS2 should not be installed in the immediate vicinity of metal surfaces. Powerful local transmitter equipment (e.g. cordless head-
phones) with a transmission frequency identical to the Centralis indoor RTS2 can affect its function.
Hereby, SOMFY, declares that this equipment is in
compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
A Declaration of Conformity is available at the web
address www.somfy.com Heading CE
Built-in manual
security control
Centralis indoor RTS2 240V Centralis indoor RTS2 120V
usable in EU, CH

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