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Safety provisions
This power tool must only be used to cut/shorten metals (hot cut) and mineral materials, such as concrete
(cold cutting). Use only the cut-off wheels approved for the material being cut and only for the working
situation indicated in chap. 7 on page 25.
For specifically trained users in rescue missions, other approved cut-off wheels are also offered that can
be used to cut various composites. These special applications are only permitted to specifically trained
This power tool must only be used for outdoor work.
Use of this power tool for any other purpose, such as sawing of wood and to remove/grind off a material
using the side surfaces of the cut-off wheel is forbidden.
Unapproved cutting tools, such as saw blades or knives, must never be installed on the motor device.
Before using the power tool, read these operating instructions thoroughly and keep them in a safe and
accessible location. They must be kept available at the place of use of the equipment at all times, and they
must be read by everyone who works on or with the equipment (including for maintenance, care and
Use this power tool with care. Improper or careless use of this power tool could cause serious injury or
death. The tool can generate large forces and torques resulting from the high speed rotation of the cut-off
Working with and on the power tool must be done carefully and with the greatest care. Thorough risk
estimation must be performed before taking up the work. Never perform any work processes that you are
not ready for or the risks of which you cannot entirely assess. If you are still unsure after studying these
operating instructions, ask a specialist for help.
The ignition unit of this power tool generates an electromagnetic field in operation. This field may affect the
function of pacemakers under certain conditions. Persons with a pacemaker must consult their physician
and the pacemaker manufacturer before using this power tool.
General information on vibration: The following symptoms may occur from frequent vibration of fingers,
hands or wrists: Fingers, hands or wrists falling asleep, tickling, pain, stabbing pain, changes of the skin
tone or skin. If such symptoms are found, see a physician.
Failure to observe the safety notes may be potentially fatal.Observe the accident prevention provisions of
the local committees, authorities and the professional associations.
x For any accidents that may occur, a first aid kit must be present at the workplace at all times.
Material that has been removed must be refilled at once.
x Danger of fire from sparks! When working close to easily flammable objects or vegetation, a fire
extinguisher must be provided.
x A first time operator should obtain practical instruction by a specialist before using the power tool.
x Children and teens (minors) under 18 years of age must not work with this power tool; this does not
include youths older than 16 who are trained under supervision.
x The power tool generally must be operated by only one person – also when starting up.
Keep unnecessary personnel away from the work area. Do not work around animals.
If a person or animal approaches, the power tool must be stopped at once.
The user is responsible for any injury and property damage he causes.
x This power tool must only be used by persons who are familiar with this type of machine, its operation
and the operating instructions. Never lend this power tool to personnel not familiar with this power tool.
Always include these operating instructions.
3 Safety provisions
3.1 Correct use
3.2 General safety notes

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