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Faultfinding help
The blender is reliable and robust, and will normally operate without fault if it is used correctly. However, if a
problem should occur, in most cases you will be able to easily correct it yourself. The following faultfinding table
should help you:
CAUTION: Only carry out work on the appliance that is described in these operating instructions. Service and
repair work on the appliance must only be carried out by an authorized workshop. Do not use the appliance if it
is probably damaged or does not operate as expected.
Fault Correction
The motor runs irregularly Switch to the higher speed (2). If necessary empty some of the
or too slowly. ingredients out of the mixing jug. Break up solid ingredients outside the
blender (for example: nuts, hard chocolate).
The motor stops during Immediately switch to “0” (middle switch position; OFF) if the motor
operation or does not run. unexpectedly stops or remains stationary, in order to prevent
overheating. Then check the following points:
• If you have pressed the PULSE button, the motor stops when you release the
button. Press the PULSE button again if the blender should run again.
The motor only runs if the mixing jug is completely and correctly assembled.
Check that the mixing jug is correctly assembled in accordance with the
instructions on page 36.
The mixing jug is possibly not correctly locked onto the blender base. Hold the
blender base with one hand and hold the mixing jug by the handle and turn the
mixing jug clockwise as far as the distinct stop. However, do not use force.
• Remove the mixing jug from the base and carefully remove blocked pieces of
food around the blades with a wooden or plastic spoon. Do not use force in
order not to damage the blades.
• Cut up hard ingredients (for example: nuts, hard chocolate) outside the blender.
If necessary, empty some of the ingredients out of the mixing jug and then try
again with the higher speed 2.
CAUTION: Do not overload the motor with ingredients that are too hard or too
large. Do not overfill the mixing jug. If necessary, process solid ingredients in
several steps. The blender is not suitable for grating nuts, chocolate, or other
BDA_Blender_Mixer_DE_FR_E.qxd 27.08.2004 9:20 Uhr Seite 45

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