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Auto Purge System
For brewing more coffee immediately after using the
steam function, the BarVista Espresso/Cappuccino
Machine features an auto-purge system. This ensures
that the ground coffee will not be burnt by the initial
water flow from the Thermoblock that could be too hot.
Instead this water is automatically released internally
into the Drip Tray ensuring that the internal thermostat is
at optimal temperature for extracting coffee. Your coffee
will always be extracted at this optimal temperature
ensuring only the best flavoured coffee is achieved.
To enjoy an optimum flavoured espresso
coffee, do not extract more than
approximately 30ml (using the 1 cup filter
holder) or for a double espresso do not
extract more than 60ml (using a 2 cup filter
Making a good cup of coffee is an art that is simple to
achieve. Here are some tips to help you make the
perfect coffee.
The coffee
Pre-ground coffee can be used and should be stored in
an air-tight container, in a cool, dry area. Pre-ground
coffee should not be kept for longer than 1 week as
flavour will diminish. Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Whole coffee beans, freshly ground just before use, are
recommended. Coffee beans should be stored in an air-
tight container, in a cool, dry area but should not be kept
for longer than 1 month as flavour will diminish. Do not
refrigerate or freeze.
Water flow
When brewing coffee, make sure the water flows
through the Coffee Filter at the correct rate.
If the water flow is too slow the coffee will be over
extracted and will be very dark and bitter, with a mottled
and uneven crema on top.
If the water flow is too fast, the coffee will be under
extracted – the optimal flavour will not develop,
the coffee will be watery and lack the thick crema
on the top.
The water flow can be adjusted by varying the pressure
that the coffee is tamped (pressed down) in the Filter or
by changing the grind of the coffee.

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