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• Carefully read all instructions before operating and
save for future reference.
Do not place the SOLIS Espresso Machine
BarVista near the edge of a bench or table during
Ensure the surface is level, clean and free of water.
• Remove any promotional stickers before using the
SOLIS Espresso Machine BarVista for the first
• Do not place the SOLIS Espresso Machine
BarVista on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or
where it could touch a heated oven.
Always make sure the SOLIS Espresso Machine
BarVista is properly assembled before connecting to
power outlet and operating.
• Use only cold water in the water tank. Do not use any
other liquid.
• Never use the SOLIS Espresso Machine BarVista
without water in the water tank.
• Ensure the filter holder is firmly inserted and secured
into the brewing head before using the machine.
• Never remove the filter holder during the brewing
operation as the machine is under pressure.
Do not leave the SOLIS Espresso Machine
BarVista unattended when in use.
Do not touch hot surfaces. Allow the SOLIS
Espresso Machine BarVista to cool down before
moving or cleaning any parts.
• Do not place anything, other than cups for warming,
on top of the SOLIS Espresso Machine BarVista.
• Always switch the SOLIS Espresso Machine
BarVista off, and unplug if appliance is to be left
unattended, if not in use, before cleaning, before
attempting to move the appliance, disassembling,
assembling and when storing the appliance.
• Keep the appliance and accessories clean. Follow the
cleaning instructions provided in this book.
• Unwind the cord before use.
• To protect against electric shock, do not immerse
cord, plug or appliance in water or any other liquid.
Do not let the cord hang over the edge of a table or
counter, touch hot surfaces, or become knotted.
This appliance is not intended for use by young
children or infirm persons without supervision.
Young children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance.
It is recommended to inspect the appliance regularly.
Do not use the appliance if power supply cord, plug or
appliance becomes damaged in anyway. Return the
entire appliance to the nearest authorised SOLIS
Service Centre for examination and/or repair.
Any maintenance other than cleaning should be
performed at an authorised SOLIS Service Centre.
This appliance is for household use only. Do not use
this appliance for anything other than its intended
use. Do not use in moving vehicles or boats. Do not
use outdoors.
The installation of a residual current device (safety
switch) is recommended to provide additional safety
protection when using electrical appliances, (available
from most leading supermarkets, department stores
and hardware stores or Solismail, www.solis-mail.ch).
Disposal: In conformity with Directive
2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic
equipment (WEEE), at the end of its life the unit
should be taken to an electrical appliance
collection point for its environmentally
friendly disposal.
We at Solis are very safety conscious. We design and manufacture consumer products with the safety of you, our valued customer foremost in mind. In addition we ask that you
exercise a degree of care when using any electrical appliance and adhere to the following precautions:

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