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ver attempt repairs yourself, but take your appliance to Solis
or a Solis approved service centre in order to get it inspected
or mechanically and electrically repaired, in order to avoid a
27. People with limited physical, sensorial or mental capabilities as
well as unknowing or inexperienced people and children must
not use the appliance except when supervised or thoroughly
instructed on how to use the appliance by a person respon-
sible for their safety. Additionally, they must be aware of the
dangers arising from the appliance and know how to operate
it safely. Cleaning and maintenance of the appliance must not
be done by unsupervised children. Under no circumstances
must the appliance be used or cleaned by children under the
age of 8.
28. Always keep the appliance and power cord out of the reach
of children.
29. Children must be supervised, so that they do not play with the
appliance. Keep the packaging material incl. plastic bags out
of the reach of children. Suffocation hazard!
30. Always make sure that the bread resp. pastry you wish to toast
is cut into slices fitting the slots (max. 12 x 12 cm per slice of
bread) without standing out on top. The slices should not be
too thick or wide, so that they don’t get stuck resp. caught in
the slots or impair resp. jam up the lift / lower automatic.
31. Never cover the toaster while the power plug is connected to
the power socket or the appliance is hot resp. cooling down.
32. Never place the bread resp. the pastry on the toaster slots to
warm it up, as this blocks air circulation and might cause da-
mage to the appliance.
33. CAUTION: The appliance becomes very hot during use! Allow
the appliance to cool down before removing or attaching
parts, moving, relocating or cleaning it.
15. Never take hold of an appliance that has fallen into water or
another liquid. Always use dry rubber gloves to pull the power
plug before taking it out. Do not use the appliance again until
you have had it’s ability to function safely checked by Solis or
a Solis approved service centre.
16. Never place the appliance in such a way that it might fall into
water or come into contact with water or another liquid (e.g.
in or next to a sink).
17. Never submerge the appliance, power cable or plug in water,
or bring it into contact with water or other liquids.
18. Place the appliance so that it is never exposed to direct sun-
19. Never insert sharp or pointed objects or tools into the appli-
ance openings or reach into them with your hand. The appli-
ance might be damaged resp. risk of electric shock and injury!
20. Never move or lift the appliance while it is in use resp. hot.
21. Only use the appliance as described in this manual. Only use
with the provided accessories or accessories recommended by
Solis, incorrect accessories or misuse can lead to damage of the
appliance, to fire, electric shock or personal damage.
22. Never start the appliance using a remote control or external
23. This appliance is only for domestic use and is not suitable for
commercial use.
24. Remove and discard all packaging materials and potential
stickers or labels (except for the type plate) before using the
appliance for the first time.
25. Check the appliance before each use and ensure that the ap-
pliance, power cord and plug are not damaged and no parts
have come loose.
26. In order to avoid electric shock, do not use the appliance if the
power cord or plug are damaged or the appliance is otherwise
faulty, dropped or damaged or if parts have come loose. Ne-

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