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User Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Cobra iRadar S125R
for Android
, the world’s first connected radar/laser
iRadar S125R uses Bluetooth
wireless technology to
connect your Android
-based smartphone to display
radar, laser and speed camera alerts.
Follow these simple steps to get your iRadar S125R
up and running.
iRadar S125R is made for
based smartphones running
OS 2.1 or higher.
What’s in the box?
Cobra iRadar S125R
Mounting bracket
Screw, nut & bolt pack
Cable-tie fasteners
Setting Up iRadar S125R
As the S125R is waterproof it can be mounted
outside the vehicle with the ’L’ shaped bracket and
screw pack provided.
Find a suitable mounting position for the detector,
ensuring that the front of the unit has a clear
view of the road ahead and is unobstructed by
any metallic objects and that there is a sufficient
mounting area to attach the ’L’ shaped fixing
bracket. The S125R needs to be mounted in as
horizontal a position as possible so that it is looking
directly down the road ahead.
We recommend that you mount the detector either
behind the vehicles grille (if the openings of the
grille are at least 10mm in diameter) or within an air
intake at the front of the vehicle. The S125R can be
mounted anywhere at the front of the vehicle, but
for optimum performance we suggest you mount
it as close to the number plate of the vehicle as
Typical Fitting
When you have found a suitable location, using
the ’L shaped mounting bracket as a template,
drill between 2 and 4 pilot holes into the selected
mounting surface for attaching the bracket using
either the self-tapping screws or the nuts and bolts
You will need to attach the bracket using at least
2 screws or 2 nuts and bolts to ensure that the
bracket is well secured. Remember that there is a
lot of vibration within the engine compartment
so it is very important that the S125R mounting
bracket is secured correctly.
Typical Fitting
Mounting Notes
When mounting and connecting the power cables
of the S125R always ensure that you mount the
unit and cables away from any moving parts
such as air-cooling fans or the fan belt. Always
position the unit so that device and power cables
do not interfere with any moving parts within the
engine compartment or interfer with any part
of the vehicle that could endanger you or your
passengers. Please check that all surfaces are safe
to drill through before beginning any work.
For Android
Connecting the iRadar S125R
The S125R is powered by wiring it directly to your
vehicles 12v electrical system using the cable
supplied Firstly connect the positive side of the
cable (Red) to a switched 12v ignition supply.
This is a live that is On when the ignition is
switched On and Off when the ignition is Off.
The negative side of the lead (black) should
be connected to a negative ground, so can be
attached to any metal portion of the vehicles
frame. The LED will blink red if the power
connection has been completed successfully. This
LED can be located near to the point where the
power cable enters the rear of the device.
It is not advisable to connect the S125R directly
to the vehicle battery as after long periods
of vehicle inactivity the vehicle battery may
become discharged.
Typical Fitting
Typical Fitting
Typical Fitting
Typical Fitting
Trademark Acknowledgement
and the snake design are registered trademarks of Cobra Electronics
Corporation, USA.
is a trademark of Google, Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google permission.
The Bluetooth
word mark is a registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Cobra
Electronics Corporation is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
S125 User Guide Android.indd 1 02/12/2011 14:40

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Andere handleiding(en) van Snooper iRadar S125R - Android

Snooper iRadar S125R - Android Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Snooper iRadar S125R - Android Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

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