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Warning: We do not recommend disabling your rewall software in order to perform a download to S7000, nor can we provide
advice on how to alter the settings on third party software, nor can we be held responsible for any action taken by the PC user
that makes the PC more vulnerable to malicious viruses, software and computer hackers. Any changes made to the PC rewall
settings are solely at the PC user’s discretion. We would recommend contacting the third party software manufacturer for further
information of how to congure the rewall software.
1. Can’t receive a GPS signal
Please avoid places such as between buildings, overpass and tunnels and check the signal reception in a suitable place with
a good view of the sky.
When the battery is completely discharged or turning off and then on the battery
switch, the initial acquisition time may be delayed.
2. There is no screen display, even though the power is turned on.
Please turn the battery switch on the rear of the main unit from OFF to ON.
Please connect the AC adapter and cigarette lighter adapter to the device and turn
on the power switch as the battery may be discharged.
3. Cant play MP3/video/photo
Please check the file format from the manual.
4. The unit is automatically shut down during operation
Please check the power control setting in the Setting menu.
5. Cant hear anything from speaker or earphone
Please check the volume level.
Please check the Mute status.
For earphone, please check if the jack is inserted properly.
6. Screen is dark.
Adjust the LCD brightness from the Setting menu.
7. Broadcast cannot be scanned./ Broadcast is stopped.
Pull out the antenna and move to a good place for reception or adjust the antenna position.
8. Cant read the SD card
Please remember that this device supports SD type or SDHC class 6 type card with max. 8GB.
Please check if the file system is of FAT16 or FAT32.
Please check if the surface of the card is stained with dirt.
10. Can’t write on the SD card
Please use the SD card after removing Write Protect.
Please check if SD card is properly inserted.
Please check if the surface of the card is dirty.
11. Touch function does not work well.
Please touch the screen accurately because it cannot be recognized if you touch the screen with fingernails only or with
less pressure.
Please perform Touch Calibration.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Snooper Syrius Pro S7000

Snooper Syrius Pro S7000 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 41 pagina's

Snooper Syrius Pro S7000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 44 pagina's

Snooper Syrius Pro S7000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 88 pagina's

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