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Congratulations on purchasing your Shotsaver SG250
Your new Shotsaver SG250 is packed with amazing features. It uses the latest micro GPS technology to provide you with accurate
distances to the front, centre and back of the green, plus information on many hazards on the way to the hole! It also incorporates an
electronic scoring system that will automatically calculate your Stableford points.
In addition, your Shotsaver SG250 incorporates Snoopers RUN training software. Snooper’s comprehensive RUN software is rich
with all the features and functions you would expect to find on one of the most advanced training watches on the market.
And of course, it can also be used simply as a stylish watch…
First, charge the battery
Before you use your SG250, you must charge the lithium battery for at least 4 hours, using the USB charging clip/ data cable.
Ongoing charging times will depend on usage. Recharge whenever the display indicates a ‘low battery.
Warning: You must recharge every 1-2 months, even if your SG250 is not being used.
While the battery is charging, your SG250 cannot be used and all buttons are disabled.
When the battery is full, the display will read CHARGE 100%. The battery life is 8 hours when you are using a function that needs GPS,
such as RUN or GOLF. If GPS is off, say in TIME mode, the battery will last up to 12 months.
Charging your battery – step by step
1. Plug your SG250 into your PC with the USB charging clip/ data cable provided.
2. Align the charging clip with the 4 contact pins on the back of your SG250.
3. Connect the charging clip securely to your SG250. Your SG250 will display CHARGE and the percentage charge level of the
battery. When your SG250 starts to communicate with your PC using the Snooper PC Companion software, your SG250 will
display PC LINK.
User Tip: Thoroughly dry the charging contacts and surrounding area to ensure good electrical contact and prevent corrosion.
Battery low condition
You cannot turn on GPS when the battery is low. You will need to recharge the battery first, before your SG250 can connect to GPS.
When battery level becomes very low, your SG250 will automatically turn off, and the screen will go blank.
In RUN mode, if your SG250 automatically turns off, you will lose the information from that session, and in GOLF mode, you will lose
your scorecard and RUN, CHRONO data. CHRONO runs in the background even when you are playing golf – to let you know how far
you have walked and how many calories you have burned. Previously stored and saved data will not be lost. You only lose data that
was being collected, and that was not saved prior to the battery running out.
User Tip: Always make sure the battery has enough power to complete your round of golf or training session before you start,
as any data collected, but not saved, will be lost.

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