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Instructions for the User
8. Cleaning and maintenance
Before carrying out any operations, disconnect the appliance from the
electricity supply.
8.1 Cleaning stainless steel
To keep the hob in good condition, it must be cleaned regularly, after each use, first
allowing it to cool.
8.1.1 Routine daily hob cleaning
When cleaning and caring for stainless steel surfaces, always use only specific
products which do not contain abrasives or chlorine-based acids.
Instructions for use: pour the product onto a damp cloth and wipe over the surface,
then rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth or chamois leather.
8.1.2 Food stains or spills
Never use metal scouring pads or sharp scrapers which will damage the
Use ordinary non-abrasive products for steel, with the aid of non-scratching
sponges and wooden or plastic utensils if necessary.
Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth or chamois leather.
8.2 Cleaning the components
8.2.1 The knobs
The knobs and front panel must be cleaned with a soft cloth dipped in warm water and
dried thoroughly. The knobs can easily be removed by pulling them outwards.
Never clean the knobs or front panel with aggressive products containing alcohol or
steel or glass cleaners, since they might cause permanent damage.
8.2.2 Pan stands and burners
Remove the pan stands and wash them in warm water with a non-abrasive detergent,
taking care to remove all deposits. Put them back on the hob.
These components must never be washed in a dishwasher.
8.2.3 The flame diffuser rings
The burner caps and flame diffuser rings can be removed for easier cleaning; wash
them in hot water and non-abrasive detergent, taking care to remove all deposits, and
wait for them to dry completely.
The burner pins A must be fitted into the recesses B in the flame diffuser ring. The
holes C in the flame diffuser ring must mate with the ignition plugs and thermocouples
D on the hob.
8.2.4 The plugs and thermocouples
For best performance, the ignition plugs and thermocouples must always be kept
thoroughly clean. Check them frequently and if necessary clean them with a wet cloth.
Remove any dry residues with a wooden toothpick or a needle.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Smeg pts726nl

Smeg pts726nl Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 15 pagina's

Smeg pts726nl Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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