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Congratulations on the purchase of this SkyTec mixer.
Please read this manual carefully prior to using the unit.
- Read the manual prior to using the unit.
- Keep the manual for future reference.
- Keep the packaging for safer transport in its original packaging
- For indoor use only.
- Prior to the first use, have the unit checked by a qualified person.
- The unit contains voltage carrying parts. DO NOT open the mixer.
- When you unplug the unit from the mains always pull the plug, never the lead.
- Never plug or unplug the unit with wet hands.
- If the plug and/or mains lead are damaged, they need to be repaired by a qualified technician.
- If the unit is damaged to an extent that you can see internal parts, do not plug the unit into a mains outlet.
- Repairs and lamp replacement has to be carried out by a qualified technician.
- Only connect this unit to an earthed mains outlet of 230Vac/50Hz and 10-16A.
- Do no place the unit near heat sources.
- Always unplug the unit during a thunderstorm or when it is not in use.
- If the unit has not been used for a longer period of time, condensation can occur inside the housing.
Please let the unit reach room temperature prior to use.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
- All channel controls and the master volume control must be set to zero prior to switching the unit on.
- To prevent clipping of the amplifier do not set the volume level too high.
- Switch the amplifier on at latest and switch it off at first.
- Do not use cleaning sprays for the slider controls. The residues of these spray cause dust deposits in
the controls. If a problem occurs, please consult a specialist.
1. IEC socket Connection for the AC power supply
2. Input selector Switches the input of the channel between the line and phono inputs.
3. Channel Controls the volume of each individual channel.
4. Microphone 6.3mm/XLR combi jack for a microphone
5. Treble Treble control for MIC
6. Bass Bass control for MIC
7. Talkover Switch that attenuates the sound of every channel when the mic is used
8. VU Meter Accurately displays the output signal level.
9. Master Volume This control adjusts the overall output volume.
10. Crossfader Used to fade smoothly between channels 1 and 2. Easily replaced when required.
11. Cue Volume Controls the level of the volume in the headphones.
12. Cue Select Used to select the channel that is monitored by the headphones.
13. Headphone 6.3mm stereo jack socket, output for headphone monitoring.
14. REC RCA sockets for connection to a recorder
15. Stereo Outputs RCA (phono) sockets should be connected to the power input of your amplifier.
16/18a. Line Inputs RCA (phono) sockets, inputs for line level inputs such as CD players and tape
17. MIC 6.3mm Jack connector for the microphone
18b. Phono Inputs RCA (phono) sockets, inputs for turntables.
19 GND Earth terminal for grounding turntables.
- Place the TEC250 on a suitable level surface.
- Connect your audio sources to the correct inputs, Line level to the line inputs and turntable to the phono
inputs. Although this mixer is only a 4 channel mixer it is possible to connect 7 devices to the inputs (one
microphone, three turntables and three line level devices such as CD players etc.) selection of the
equipment is by the Phono/Line switch. When connecting a turntable you will find a separate earth lead
that should be connected to the GND terminal.

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