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One certain method of determining if a speaker is faulty is to substitute a speaker that is known to work
correctly for the suspected problem speaker. If the “normally correct speaker” is experiencing the same
difficulties or problems as the suspected problem speaker, use the information below to isolate the problem.
No output
Possible cause Action
Speaker cables Reseat all connectors
Substitute known good speaker cables
Check solder joins
Tighten set-screws on the banana connectors or 4-p connectors
Inspect cable for damage
Inspect wire or connector for stray strand that may short
Amplifier Make sure the amplifier channel is being fed a signal. Most amps have a “signal
input” LED to indicate the presence of a signal. Re-patch the speaker to an amplifier
channel that is known to work.
Possible cause Action
Poor connections While it is possible for a faulty speaker to exhibit intermittent output, it’s more likely
that an output cable/connector is the problem. Check the soldering on your
connectors. Tighten the set-screws on the banana connectors or 4-p connectors.
Constant noise, buzzing and/or humming
Possible cause Action
Faulty electronic Any constant noise originates in the amplifier, mixer, signal processing, source
device in the signal devices, or line-level wiring. Check and correct system grounding as required. chain
check for noisy sources or electronic components. Check wiring for shielding.
Poor low-frequency output
Possible cause Action
Improper polarity When two speakers in close proximity to each other are connected out-of-polarity,
they can partially cancel each other out, especially at low frequencies. Check your
speaker cables to be sure they are all identically wired and connected. Check the
balanced line signal cables to be sure they are all correctly wired.
Do not attempt to make any repairs yourself. This would invalid your warranty. Do not make any changes to the unit. This
would also invalid your warranty. The warranty is not applicable in case of accidents or damages caused by inappropriate use
or disrespect of the warnings contained in this manual. Tronios cannot be held responsible for personal injuries caused by a
disrespect of the safety recommendations and warnings. This is also applicable to all damages in whatever form.

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