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Safety Instructions
Before using the remote control, please read these operating instructions
carefully. Please keep the instruction manual for consultation purposes or for
possibly handing it over to third parties.
General information
Do not try to repair the remote control yourself. Do not expose your remote
control to dust, intense sunlight, humidity, high temperatures or mechanical
Battery information
Keep batteries away from children. Consult a doctor immediately if a battery
is swallowed. Before inserting the batteries, check that the contacts in the
unit are clean, and clean them if necessary. Only insert new batteries. Never
mix old and new batteries. When inserting the batteries, take care that the
polarity (+/–) is correct.
Never attempt to recharge the batteries. Explosion hazard!
Store batteries in a cool dry place. Excessive direct heat may damage the
batteries. Therefore, never expose the unit to strong sources of heat.
Never short circuit the batteries.
Never throw batteries into a fire.
Remove the batteries if the unit is not to be used for long periods.
Remove leaking batteries from the unit immediately.
Battery acid may cause burns!
Remove empty batteries from the unit
Clean your remote control with a dry cloth only, do not use any corrosive or
aggressive cleaning agents.
Inserting the batteries
Insert 2 LR03/AAA alkaline batteries
1. Open the cover on the back of the remote control.
2. Check the +/– polarity on the batteries and inside the compartment.
3. Insert the batteries.
4. Close the cover.
Operating Instructions
Device set up
1. Switch on the device you want to program (e.g. STB)
2. Find the relevant code for your manufacturers device in the code list
3. Press and hold the device button (e.g. ) for 3 seconds Release the
button as soon as the LED under the power button lights up
4. Enter the 4 digit code for your device within 10 seconds
5. If the LED turns of the remote has accepted the entry. If the LED flashed
3 times, please repeat steps 3 and 4.
6. Please test the buttons of your remote for function with your device. If the
remote doesn’t work, please repeat steps 3 and 4 with another code of
the code list for your manufacturers device. Please note in certain cases
a universal remote control is not able to fully supplement the original
remote control.
7. The setup mode is ended by pressing the device button or waiting for
10 seconds
Automatic search setup
1. Switch on the device you want to program (e.g STB)
2. Point the remote towards your device and press the device button
until the LED starts flashing.
3. Now the function to increase the volume is active. As soon as the volume
is increasing the right code is found and you can please press the device
button again to stop the search.
4. If the device you want to program is a CD/DVD Player, Tuner, or Equalizer,
the search function will turn of the device.
As soon as the device is turned off, please also press the device button on
your remote again.
5. Please check the buttons of the remote for proper function. If many but-
tons don’t work, please redo steps 2 to 4 again.
If the buttons work properly, please end the search by pressing the device
button again.
6. Please note the search can take a couple of minutes.
Setup of Macrofunctions
You can use the macro buttons or to program favorite functions.
1. Press and hold the device button together with the M button.
If the LED lights up the configuration mode is active.
2. Press up to 10 functions on your remote which you would like to use this
button for. Press the M button again to finish programming.
ALL OFF-function
With the all of button you can switch off all programmed devices at once. The
LED will blink until all devices are switched off. This button also works the
other way around and can switch on all devices.
Reset function
You can easily reset all programmed devices by pressing the button
together with until the LED flashes 3 times. All codes
are now deleted.
2425-2426_71730v01_SKY_76x265_Manual_Manual 26.11.12 16:

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