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On-board literature
The on-board literature for your vehicle consists of this “Owner's Manual
as well as a “Service schedule” and a “Help on the road”. There can also be
a variety of other additional operating manuals and instructions on-board
(e.g. an operating manual for the radio) depending on the vehicle model and
If one of the publications listed above is missing, please contact an author-
ised Škoda dealer immediately, where one will be glad to assist you in such
One should note that the details given in the vehicle's papers always
take precedence over those in the Owner's Manual.
Owner's Manual
This Owner's Manual describes the current scope of equipment. Certain
items of equipment listed are only installed later on and only envisaged for
particular markets. The illustrations can differ in minor details from your
vehicle; they are only intended for general information.
In addition to information regarding all the controls and equipment, the
Owner's Manual also contains important information regarding care and
operation for your safety and also to retain the value of your vehicle. To
provide you with valuable tips and aids. You will learn how you can operate
your vehicle safely, economically and in an environmentally conscious
For safety reasons, please also pay attention to the information on
accessories, modifications and replacement of parts page 214.
The other chapters of the Owner's Manual are also important, however, for
proper treatment of your car - in addition to regular care and maintenance -
helps to retain its value and in many cases is also one of the conditions for
possible warranty claims.
The Service schedule
Vehicle data,
Service intervals,
Overview of the service work,
Service proof,
Confirmation of mobility warranty (only valid in certain countries),
important information on the warranty.
The confirmations of the carried out service work are one of the conditions
for possible warranty claims.
Please always present the Service schedule when you take your car to an
authorised Škoda Service Partner.
If the Service schedule is missing or worn, please contact your authorised
Škoda Service Partner, where your car is serviced regularly. You will receive a
duplicate, in which the previously carried out service work are confirmed.
Help on the road
contains the most important telephone numbers in individual countries as
well as the addresses and telephone numbers of Škoda importers.
s43s.1.book Page 2 Thursday, May 13, 2010 1:21 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Skoda Octavia 2011

Skoda Octavia 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 199 pagina's

Skoda Octavia 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 259 pagina's

Skoda Octavia 2011 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 203 pagina's

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