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! the wide part of the foot should rest on the
supported part of the workpiece
- can be adjusted to allow you to choose whether waste
material is on inner or outer side of blade 6b
! cutting width is determined by width of blade
teeth and not by width of blade body
! always make trial cuts first to verify actual line
of cut
Dust suction
- connect vacuum cleaner to extension R 7
! never let the vacuum cleaner hose interfere
with the lower guard or the cutting operation
- one may also use a dust bag (SKIL accessory
! do not use dustbag/vacuum cleaner when
cutting metal
Operating the tool 7
- connect plug to power source
- always hold handle S rmly with one hand and handle
T rmly with the other hand
- place tool with front end of foot at on workpiece
! ensure that the saw teeth are not engaged into
the workpiece
- switch on tool by rst pressing knob U (= safety switch
which cannot be locked) and then pulling trigger V
! the tool should run at full speed before the blade
enters into the workpiece
- lower guard F opens automatically when saw blade
enters the workpiece (open lower guard manually by
using lever G only for special cuts such as plunge cuts)
! do not force the tool (apply light and continuous
pressure in order to avoid overheating the blade tips
and, in case of cutting plastics, melting the plastic
! while working, always hold the tool at the
grey-coloured grip area(s)
- after completing the cut switch o tool by releasing
trigger V
! ensure that the blade has come to a complete
standstill, before you lift the tool from the
Always face the good side of the workpiece down to
ensure minimum splintering
Only use sharp saw blades of the correct type 8
- quality of cut improves by the number of teeth
- carbide tipped blades stay sharp up to 30 times longer
than ordinary blades
Rip fence W 9
- for making exact cuts along a workpiece edge
- can be inserted in either side of foot
Adjusting rip fence
- adjust to desired cutting width by using rip fence scale
(use saw line visor Q as 0-reference)
- loosen knob X
- tighten knob X
Plunge cutting 0
- set desired cutting depth
- tilt tool forward with saw line visor Q lined up with
desired line of cut marked on the workpiece
- open lower guard F with lever G
- just before blade enters workpiece, switch on tool and
gradually lower back end of tool using front end of foot
as hinge-point
- gradually move tool downward as well as forward
- as soon as blade enters the material, release lever G
! never pull tool backwards
Cutting large panels !
- support panel close to the cut either on oor, table or
! set cutting depth so that you cut through panel
and not through support
- in case rip fence does not allow desired width of cut,
clamp or nail straight piece of wood to workpiece as a
guide, and use the right side of the foot against this
Always keep tool and cord clean (especially the
ventilation slots)
! disconnect the plug before cleaning
Always keep the area around lower guard F 3 clean
(remove dust and chips by blowing out with compressed
air or with a brush)
Clean saw blade immediately after use (especially from
resin and glue)
If the tool should fail despite the care taken in
manufacturing and testing procedures, repair should be
carried out by an after-sales service centre for SKIL
power tools
- send the tool undismantled together with proof of
purchase to your dealer or the nearest SKIL service
station (addresses as well as the service diagram of
the tool are listed on www.skileurope.com)
Do not dispose of electric tools, accessories and
packaging together with household waste material
(only for EU countries)
- in observance of European Directive 2002/96/EC on
waste of electric and electronic equipment and its
implementation in accordance with national law,
electric tools that have reached the end of their life
must be collected separately and returned to an
environmentally compatible recycling facility
- symbol @ will remind you of this when the need for
disposing occurs
We declare under our sole responsibility that this product
is in conformity with the following standards or
standardized documents: EN 60745, EN 61000, EN
55014, in accordance with the provisions of the directives
2004/108/EC, 2006/42/EC

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