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DC-202 xDSL/Cable Broadband router
Advanced Internet Functions
Communication Applications. Support for Internet communication
applications, such as interactive Games, Telephony, and Conferencing
applications, which are often difficult to use when behind a Firewall, is
Special Internet Applications. Applications which use non-standard
connections or port numbers are normally blocked by the Firewall. The
ability to define and allow such applications is provided, to enable such
applications to be used normally.
Virtual Servers. This feature allows Internet users to access Internet
servers on your LAN. The required setup is quick and easy.
DMZ. One (1) PC on your local LAN can be configured to allow unre-
stricted 2-way communication with Servers or individual users on the
Internet. This provides the ability to run programs which are incom-
patible with Firewalls.
URL Filter. Use the URL Filter to block access to undesirable Web sites
by LAN users.
Internet Access Log. See which Internet connections have been
Access Control. Using the Access Control feature, you can assign LAN
users to different groups, and determine which Internet services are
available to each group.
VPN Pass through Support. PCs with VPN (Virtual Private Network-
ing) software using PPTP, L2TP and IPSec are transparently supported -
no configuration is required.
LAN Features
4-Port Switching Hub. The DC-202 incorporates a 4-port
10/100BaseT switching hub, making it easy to create or extend your
DHCP Server Support. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides
a dynamic IP address to PCs and other devices upon request. The DC-
202 can act as a DHCP Server for devices on your local LAN and
Multi Segment LAN Support. LANs containing one or more segments
are supported, via the DC-202's RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
support and built-in static routing table.
Configuration & Management
Easy Setup. Use your WEB browser from anywhere on the LAN for
Configuration File Upload/Download. Save (download) the con-
figuration data from the DC-202 to your PC, and restore (upload) a
previously-saved configuration file to the DC-202.
Remote Management. The DC-202 can be managed from any PC on
your LAN. And, if the Internet connection exists, it can also (optionally)
be configured via the Internet.

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