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PING Packet Internet Groper, a utility
used to determine
whether a specific IP address is accessible. It
functions by sending a packet to the specified
address and waits for a reply. It is primarily used to
troubleshoot Internet connections.
PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. PPP
oE is a
specification for connecting the users on an Ethernet
to the Internet through a common broadband
medium, such as DSL or cable modem. All the users
over the Ethernet share a common connection.
Protocol Communication on the network is governed by
of rules called protocols
. Protocols provide the
guidelines devices use to communicate with each
other, and thus they have different functions. Some
protocols are responsible for formatting and
presenting and presenting data that will be
from file server memory to the file
server’s net work adapter Others are responsible for
filtering information between networks and
forwarding data to its destination. Still other
protocols dictate how data is transferred across the
medium, and how servers
respond to workstation
requests and vice versa. Common network protocols
responsible for the presentation and formatting of
data for a network operating system are the
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol or the
Internet Protocol (IP). Protocols th
at dictate the
format of data for transferors the medium include
passing and Carrier Sense Multiple Access
with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD),implemented as
ring, ARCNET, FDDI, or Ethernet. The Router
Information Protocol (RIP),a part of the
ansmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

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