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WL-308 Gaming Router Full Manual
Non-UDP/TCP/ICMP LAN Sessions: Place a check in this box to enable
this feature. When a LAN application that uses a protocol other than UDP,
TCP, or ICMP initiates a session to the Internet, the router's NAT can track
such a session, even though it does not recognize the protocol. This feature is
useful because it enables certain applications (most importantly a single VPN
connection to a remote host) without the need for an ALG.
Note: This feature does not apply to the DMZ host (if one is enabled). The
DMZ host always handles these kinds of sessions.
Enabling this option (the default setting) enables single VPN connections to a
remote host. (But, for multiple VPN connections, the appropriate VPN ALG
must be used.) Disabling this option, however, only disables VPN if the
appropriate VPN ALG is also disabled.
Application Layer Gateway (ALG) Configuration: Place a check in
appropriate feature boxes to enable them. . Some protocols and applications
require special handling of the IP payload to make them work with network
address translation (NAT). Each ALG provides special handling for a specific
protocol or application. A number of ALGs for common applications are
enabled by default.
o PPTP: Allows multiple machines on the LAN to connect to their
corporate networks using PPTP protocol. When the PPTP ALG is
enabled, LAN computers can establish PPTP VPN connections either
with the same or with different VPN servers. When the PPTP ALG is
disabled, the router allows VPN operation in a restricted way -- LAN
computers are typically able to establish VPN tunnels to different VPN
Internet servers but not to the same server. The advantage of
disabling the PPTP ALG is to increase VPN performance. Enabling the
PPTP ALG also allows incoming VPN connections to a LAN side VPN
server (refer to Advanced Virtual Server).

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