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WL-308 Gaming Router Full Manual
o TKIP. Use TKIP only. TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) provides
per-packet key generation and is based on WEP.
o AES. Use AES only. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a very
secure block based encryption. Note that, if the bridge uses the AES
option, the bridge can associate with the access point only if the
access point is also set to use only AES.
o TKIP and AES. The bridge negotiates the cipher type with the access
point, and uses AES when available.
Group Key Update Interval: Specify the number of seconds before the
group key used for broadcast and multicast data is changed.
Pre-Shared Key: The key is entered as a pass-phrase of up to 63
alphanumeric characters in ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange) format at both ends of the wireless connection. It cannot be
shorter than eight characters, although for proper security it needs to be of
ample length and should not be a commonly known phrase. This phrase is
used to generate session keys that are unique for each wireless client.
Click on the Apply button to store these settings.
WPA Enterprise (Wi-Fi Protected Access & 802.1x)
Select the WPA-Enterprise radio button if your wireless network uses WPA
encryption. WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) was designed to improve upon the
security features of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). The technology is designed
to work with existing Wi-Fi products that have been enabled with WEP. WPA
provides improved data encryption through the Temporal Integrity Protocol
(TKIP), which scrambles the keys using a hashing algorithm and by adding an
integrity checking feature which makes sure that keys haven’t been tampered
This option works with a RADIUS Server to authenticate wireless clients. Wireless
clients should have established the necessary credentials before attempting to
authenticate to the Server through this Gateway. Furthermore, it may be
necessary to configure the RADIUS Server to allow this Gateway to authenticate
WPA Mode: Select the WPA / WPA2 from the drop-down list.
Cipher Type: Select TKIP or AES as the cipher suite. The encryption
algorithm used to secure the data communication.

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