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SRK 400 A1
Always empty the condensation collector after use 4.
Clean the rice cooker casing and the heating plate with a dry cloth. Remove
stubborn soiling with a moder
ately damp, well wrung-out cloth.
Remove steam outlet opening catch 3 for cleaning and giv
e the catch a
thorough cleaning with water. When replacing the catch, ensure that it is
correctly inserted.
Clean the cooking bowl 0, the steam cooking inser
t 1, the plastic spoon w
and the measuring cup q in water containing a mild detergent. Then rinse
all parts with plenty of clean water to remove all residual detergent.
Dry everything with a dry cloth and ensure that the appliance is completely
y before using it again.
Pour a cup of water containing a mild detergent into the cooking bowl 0
e cleaning the cooking bowl 0.
Insert the cooking bowl 0 into the rice cook
Switch the rice cooker to "
" and wait until the water boils.
Disconnect the plug from the power socket and wait until the appliance has
cooled do
If you now wash the cooking bowl 0, soiling will be much easier to remove.
Store the cleaned rice cooker in a dry and dust-free location..
Disposal of the appliance
Never dispose of the appliance in your normal domestic waste.
This product is subject to the provisions of European Directive
Dispose of the appliance through an approved disposal centre or at your
community waste facility. Please observe currently applicable regulations.
Please contact your waste disposal centre should you be in any doubt.
EC Declaration of Conformity information
With regard to conformity with essential requirements and
other relevant provisions, this appliance complies with the
requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
2004/108/EC, the ErP Guidelines 2009/125/EC and the
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.
The full original Declaration of Conformity is available from
the importer.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Silvercrest SRK 400 A1 - IAN 88767

Silvercrest SRK 400 A1 - IAN 88767 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano - 66 pagina's

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