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SMW 800 C3
Combination 2
In Combination 2 the microwave component is
55 % and the grill element amounts to 45 % of the
cooking time.
This is suitable for puddings, omelettes, poultry
dishes or lasagne.
1) Press the combination button
appear on the display as well
as “:10”.
2) Turn the control dial until
appears on the
display . Confirm your selection by pressing
the Start/Quick Start button
3) Set the required cooking time with the control
dial . The maximum possible cooking time
setting is 95 minutes.
4) To start, press the Start/Quick start button
Example: lasagne (ready meal, defrosted)
A “lasagne” ready meal weighing 400 g requires
around 15 minutes to cook.
The time information for the combination cooking
examples can vary considerably due to differing
ingredients or food qualities. The specified times
are merely guidelines.
Please check the cooking results and adjust the
cooking time to suit if necessary.
Automatic menu
For foods that are prepared in the Automatic menu
modus, it is not necessary to programme in the dur-
ation of the cooking process and the power level.
You only need to enter the type of food you wish to
cook and its weight.
The cooking utensils and the food may be
very hot after cooking! Use oven gloves or
similar to remove the food from the micro-
When using programmes with incorporated grill
function (programme nos. 4, 7 and 8), you should
not use any form of covering or cookware that is
not heat resistant, as these could melt or ignite!
The microwave calculates the time/output
level for fresh foods. Frozen foods will not be
adequately cooked with the times programmed
into the microwave.
If required, defrost frozen foods using the defrost
programme beforehand (see section "Defrosting").
Starting the Automatic Menu
Always place the food item in a suitable container
or on a plate. Bear in mind that liquids such as
grease, etc. can drain from the food during the
cooking or heating process. The container/plate
should therefore be large enough to avoid the
overflowing of liquids.
1) Turn the control dial slowly to the left. A num-
ber (e.g. “A-02” for Auto Programme 2 (fish))
appears on the display , and the “Fish” icon
flashes. Select the appropriate automatic menu
for your foodstuff (1 to 9).

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