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SMW 800 C3
Programme 5: Heating up
This programme uses only microwave power.
This programme runs for between 1:00 and
6:20 minutes depending on the the weight set.
Place the plate with the food that you wish to
heat up on the glass plate in the cooking
chamber and then start the automatic menu
for heating up.
Programme 6: Potatoes
This programme uses only microwave power.
This programme runs for between 3:50 and
11 minutes depending on the the weight set.
Use unpeeled potatoes for the cooking process.
As far as possible, use potatoes of the same
Prick the skins a couple of times.
Place the unpeeled potatoes onto a microwave-
able plate or into a receptacle. If possible, the
potatoes should not touch each other.
Programme 7: Roasting
This programme runs over several cooking stages,
using microwave power and the grill function.
Depending on the weight set, this programme runs
for between 16 and 60 minutes.
Place the roast on a microwaveable plate.
Season the meat to taste and then start the
automatic menu for roasting.
A whole roast must be turned over, otherwise
the side facing upwards could dry out. For this
reason the microwave oven automatically halts
the programme after about 2/3 of the time has
elapsed and beeps. Turn the meat over and then
press the button Start/Quick start
again to resume the programme.
Programme 8: Kebabs
This programme runs over several cooking stages,
using microwave power and the grill function.
Depending on the weight set, this programme runs
for between 9 and 27 minutes.
Place the kebabs on a microwaveable plate.
Season the meat to taste and then start the
automatic menu for kebabs.
The kebabs must be turned over to ensure even
cooking. For this reason the microwave oven
automatically halts the programme after about
2/3 of the time has elapsed and beeps. Turn
the kebabs over and then press the button Start/
Quick start
once again to resume the
Programme 9: Beverages
This programme uses only microwave power. This
programme runs for between 1:30 and 3:50 minutes
depending on the the quantity set.
Place the beverage that you wish to heat up on
the glass plate in the cooking chamber. If
you wish to place several glasses or cups in the
microwave oven, ensure that the receptacles do
not touch each other.
To avoid sudden boiling:
If possible, place a glass rod in the liquid
while it is being heated.
To avoid unexpected reboiling, leave the
liquid to stand in the microwave oven for
about 20 seconds after heating.

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