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SMW 800 C3
Safety guidelines
Read the following important safety information carefully and keep it for further
The appliance must only be connected to a correctly installed and earthed
mains power socket. Ensure that the rating for your local power supply
corresponds with the details on the rating plate of the appliance.
Ensure that the power cable does not become wet or moist during use.
Route the cable in such a way that it cannot be crushed or damaged.
Keep the power cable well away from sources of heat. Do not route it in
front of the microwave oven door. The heat could damage the cable.
Remove the plug from the mains power socket when the appliance is being
cleaned or in the event of a fault. Just switching off the appliance is not
sufficient, as the appliance is subject to mains voltage for as long as the
plug is connected to the mains power socket.
Always remove the plug from the mains power socket when the appliance
is not in use.
To prevent accidents, have defective plugs and/or power cables replaced
immediately by a qualified specialist technician or our Customer Service
The appliance and its connecting cable must be kept away from children.
Never submerse the appliance, the power cable or the plug in water or
other liquids.
Never pour fluids into the ventilation openings or the safety locks. If liquids
ever get into the vents, switch off the microwave oven immediately and pull
the plug from the mains power socket. Have the appliance checked by
qualified specialists.
Never submerge the appliance in water or other liquids.

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