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- 82 -
Congratulations on the purchase of your new appli-
You have clearly decided in favour of a quality
product. These operating instructions are a part of
this product. They contain important information in
regard to safety, use and disposal. Before using the
product, familiarise yourself with all of these operating
and safety instructions. Use the product only as des-
cribed and only for the specified areas of application.
In addition, pass these documents on, together with
the product, to any future owner.
Intended Usage
This appliance is intended for the heating up and
preparation of foodstuffs according to the described
Any modifications to the appliance shall be deemed
to be improper use and implies substantial risk of
accidents. The manufacturer declines to accept
responsibility for damage(s) arising out of usage
contrary to the instructions specified below.
This appliance is intended exclusively for use in
domestic households!
Do not use it in/for commercial, industrial or labora-
tory areas/applications!
Items supplied
Glass plate
Grill stand
Star rotator
Operating instructions
Concise instruction sheet
Description of the appliance
Figure A:
1 Display
2 Door opener button
3 Glass plate
4 Star rotator
5 Ventilation slots
Figure B:
6 Grill button
7 Preset button
8 Defrosting button
9 Clock button
0 Stop button
q Control dial/Start/Quickstart
w Kitchen timer button
e Combination button
r Operation button
Figure C:
t Grill stand
Technical Data
Power rating: 230 - 240 V
50 Hz
Maximum power consumption: 1200 W
Maximum power output
Microwave: 800 W
Maximum power consumption
Grill: 1000 W
Microwave frequency: 2450 MHz

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