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Press the button Start/Quickstart q to continue
the cooking process.
If you wish to dispense with turning, simply wait for
the signal tones to finish. The microwave continues
your programme automatically after approx. 30
Should the meal not be properly cooked on comple-
tion of the auto-menu, continue cooking for a couple
of minutes with the Quick start programme. For pro-
grammes that continue with utilisation of the grill
function (Programme numbers 5, 8 and 9), the food
can be cooked further with the grill function. Extended
cooking with the grill function also increases the
browning level of the food.
Risk of fire!
When using the programes with incorporated grill
function, under no circumstances should you use any
form of covering or cookware that is not heat resistant,
as these could melt or ignite themselves!
Risk of injury!
After a cooking process, the glass plate 3 is very
hot! You should therefore always use an oven cloth
or heat resistant oven gloves when removing it from
the cooking area.
Take note that size, shape and the type of foodstuff
determines the result of the cooking process.
Programmes in detail
Programme 1: Beverages
This programme runs only with utilisation of micro-
wave power. Subject to the number of portions, the
programme runs for between 1:30 and 3:50 minutes.
Place the beverage that you wish to heat up on
the glass plate 3 in the cooking area. If you
wish to place several glasses or cups in the mi-
crowave oven, ensure that the receptacles do
not touch each other.
To avoid sudden simmering:
If possible, place a glass rod in the fluid for as
long as it is being heated.
To avoid an unexpected reboiling, leave the
fluid to stand in the microwave oven for ca. 20
seconds after being warmed up.
Programme 2: Noodles
This programme runs only with utilisation of micro-
wave power.
Subject to the weight programmed in, this programme
runs for between 25 and 35 minutes.
When cooking noodles use a tall container, as
there is a great risk of it boiling over.
Use as much water as you would in conventional
cooking. The noodles should "swim" in the water.
First bring the the water to the boil: Set the micro-
wave to its highest performance level (P800)
and then start it. For a liter of water you need
about 10 minutes to bring the water to the boil.
Then add the noodles. After this, you can start
the auto-menu for noodles.
Finally, allow the noodles to stand for approx. 3 mi-

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