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Earthing information/correct installation
This appliance must be earthed. This appliance is
to be connected only to a correctly earthed power
socket. An individual circuit, solely for the connection
of the microwave oven, is recommended.
Danger: Improper use of the earthing connector
could increase the risk of an electric shock.
Notice: Should you have any questions about
earthing or about the instructions on the use of
this electrical appliance given here, please
consult an electrician or
a maintenance technician.
Neither the manufacturer nor the dealer can accept
liability for damage to the microwave oven or injury
to persons resulting from failure to comply with the
instructions for electrical connection.
Interference with other appliances
The operation of the microwave may cause interference
on your radio, television or similar appliances.
If such interference should occur, they may be reduced
or corrected by the following remedial measures:
Clean the door and the seal of the microwave.
Re-align the receiver antenna of your radio or
Position the microwave in a different place to
the receiver.
Move the microwave away from the receiver.
Plug the microwave into another wall socket.
The microwave and the receiver should be
connected to different circuits.
Before you begin
Basic principles of microwave cookery
Arrange the food with consideration.
The thickest parts near the edges.
Pay attention to the cooking time. Select the
shortest possible stated cooking time and increase
as required. Food that is cooked too long can
begin to smoke or catch fire.
Cover the food during cooking with a lid suitable
for microwave cookery. The lid prevents splashing
and helps in the even cooking of the food.
While cooking, turn the food in the microwave
once so that items such as chicken or hamburgers
are cooked more quickly.
Large pieces of food, such as joints of meat,
must be turned at least once.
Completely re-arrange foods such as meatballs
after half the cooking time. Turn them and move
the meatballs from the middle of the cookware
to the edge.
Use suitable cookware
The ideal material for a microwave oven is
microwave-permeable, allowing the energy to
penetrate the container to heat the food.
Microwaves cannot permeate metal. Therefore,
metal containers and cookware should not be
Microwaves cannot permeate metal. For this
reason metal containers and cookware should
not be used.
When using the microwave for heating do not
use products made of recycled paper. These
can contain minute fragments of metal, which
can generate sparks and/or fires.

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