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Preparing the appliance
Remove all packaging materials and any
protective film on the surface of the housing.
remove the light grey flim-
mer cover plate, which is mounted
in the cooking area to protect the
Insert the plug into a power socket.
Use a 230 - 240 V
, 50 Hz, mains power
socket with a 16A fuse. It is recommended that
the microwave oven is powered from its own
ring main. If you are unsure about how to con-
nect the microwave oven, consult a specialist.
Before the first regular usage of the microwave oven
the appliance must be heated up to remove any
remaining production residues.
Without foodstuffs or accessories (glass plate 3, star
roller 4 and grill stand t), switch the appliance on
in the mode Grill:
Press the button Grill once 6 .
With this you select the Grill operation.
In the display 1 appears the symbol and
the symbol blinks. This indicates readiness
to start.
Adjust the control dial q to a cooking time of
10 minutes.
Press the button Start/Quick start q to
start the grilling process.
On the first usage, the generation of light smoke and
a slight smell can occur, this is due to the production
residues. This is unharmful. Provide for sufficient
ventilation. For example, open a window.
After 10 minutes, the appliance switches itself
off automatically. Signal tones sound. Open the
door. Wait until it has cooled down completely.
Remove the plug from the mains power socket
then, after cleaning the appliance with a moist
cloth, dry it carefully.
Inserting accessories
Place the star rotator 4 centrally on the drive
shaft in the cooking area. Ensure that it slides
completely onto the axle and is firmly seated.
Place the glass plate 3 centrally on the star
rotator. The three rollers must be seated on the
leading edge on the glass plate 3.
Setting the Clock
When you take the microwave oven into use for the
first time, or there has been a power cut, the display 1
indicates "1 : 0 1".
1. Press the button Clock 9 . "Hr 12" appears
in the display 1.Press the button Clock 9
once again should you wish to switch to the 24-
hour mode.
2. By turning the control dial q programme in the
current hour. The clock symbol in the di-
splay 1 blinks.
3. Press button Start/Quick Start q . The
minute indicator appears.
4. By turning the control dial q, programme in the
current minute.
5. When the clock is correctly set, press the Start/
Quick Start button q . The clock symbol
in the display 1 glows continuously and
the colon indicates, by blinking, that the clock is

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