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- 11 -
Grill operation
You can use the grill function for thin slices of meat,
steaks, hamburgers, sausage or chicken pieces. It is
also excellent for use in making topped sandwiches
and gratins. Always use the grill stand t for grilling.
To achieve an optimal grilling result.
Always place the Grill stand t on the Glass plate 3.
1. Press the button Grill 6 to activate the
grill function.
In the display 1 appears the symbol for the
grill function and „:10“.
2. Using the control knob q, set the required
cooking time. The maximum possible cooking
time setting is 95 minutes.
3. To start the grilling function press the button
Start/Quick start q .
4. Turn the meat after about half of the cooking
Combination cooking processes
This function combines the grill function and the normal
microwave operation. In combined mode, the micro-
wave automatically cooks for a certain amount of
time and grills for the remaining time. You may notice
a quiet clicking noise when the oven is switching
between modes.
Never use the grill stand t, or other metallic objects,
when you are using the appliance in the combination
cooking process. Metals reflect the microwave radiation
and it leads to the generation of sparks. This could
cause a fire and irreparably damage the appliance!
Combination 1
In Combination 1 the microwave element amounts
to 30% and the grill element amounts to 70% of the
cooking time. This is suitable for, for example, fish,
potatoes or gratins.
1. Press the button Combination e once
to activate combination 1. In the display 1
appears as well as „:10“.
2. Using the control dial q set the required cooking
time. The maximum possible cooking time setting
is 95 minutes.
3. To start, press the button Start/Quick start q .
Combination 2
In Combination 2 the microwave element amounts
to 55% and the grill element amounts to 45% of the
cooking time. This is suitable for, for example,
puddings, omelettes, poultry dishes or lasagne.
1. Press the button Combination e twice
to activate combination 2. In the display 1
appears as well as „:10“.
2. Using the control dial q set the required cooking
time. The maximum possible cooking time setting
is 95 minutes.
3. To start, press the button Start/Quick start q .
IB_71492_SMW 800 A2_LB6.qxd 24.11.2011 13:47 Uhr Seite 11

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