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The cooking timer progresses further in the background.
If you wish to check the progress of the kitchen timer,
press the kitchentimer button w .
It appears for a brief period in the kitchen timer.
As soon as the set time has expired you will hear
3 signal tones.
Take note:
To stop the countdown of the kitchen timer, press
the button Kitchen timer w so that the remaining
time of the kitchen appears in the display. Press, du
ring the period that the remaining time of the kitchen
timer is being shown in the display 1, the
Stop 0 button. The kitchen timer will then be can
celled and the current time appears in the display 1.
Child protection system
Engage this setting to prevent accidental activation
by children and other persons not familiar with the
operation of the appliance.
The symbol for Child safety appears in the dis
play 1 and, for as long as this function is activated,
the appliance cannot be put into operation.
Press and hold the button Stop0 until a
signal tone sounds and the symbol for Child
Safety appears in the display 1. The
buttons and the control dial now no longer have
a function.
To deactivate Child Safety, press and hold the
Stop button 0 until an signal tone sounds
and the symbol for Child Safety extinguishes.
Query functions
Query the time during operation
During the cooking process press the button
Clock 9 .
The time appears in the display 1 for approx.
4 seconds.
Query the power level operation
During the cooking process press the button
Operation r .
In the display 1 the activated operational level
appears for approx. 3 seconds.
Heating and cooking
Microwave operation
During the cooking process, drops of water can form
on the oven door or on the housing. This is normal and
is not an indication of a malfunction.When the appli
ance has cooled down, wipe the moisture off with a
dry cloth.
Never use the grill stand t or other metallic objects
when you are using the appliance in the microwave
mode. Metals reflect the microwave radiation and it
leads to the generation of sparks. This could cause
a fire and irreparably damage the appliance!
Selecting the operation level
Press the button Operation r the appro
priate number of times to set the required power
1x for 800 Watts of power (P800).
2x for 700 Watts of power (P700).
3x for 600 Watts of power (P600).
4x for 500 Watts of power (P500).
5x for 400 Watts of power (P400).
6x for 300 Watts of power (P300).
7x for 200 Watts of power (P200).
8x for 100 Watts of power (P100).
The power setting level is indicated in the display 1
(e.g. P800 at 800 Watts of power).
Programming the cooking time
After you have selected the power level, programme
in the desired cooking time:
Turn the control dial q, until the desired cooking
time has been programmed in.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Silvercrest SMW 800 A1 - IAN 66481

Silvercrest SMW 800 A1 - IAN 66481 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 74 pagina's

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