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Description of the appliance
1 Display
2 Door opener button
3 Glass plate
4 Star rotator
5 Cold air intake
6 Grill Button
7 Weight/Amount Button
8 Defrosting button
9 Time Button
0 Stop button
q Control dial/Start/Quickstart
w Kitchen timer button
e Combination Button
r Operation button
t Grill stand
Installation of the appliance
This microwave oven is not suitable for installation in
a kitchen cabinet. In closed cabinets sufficient ventilation
for the appliance cannot be assured. The appliance
could be damaged and there would be the additional
risk of a fire!
Select an even surface offering sufficient space
for the adequate ventilation of the appliance:
Ensure that you maintain a minimum distance
of 10 cm from neighbouring walls/surfaces.
Ensure that the door of the microwave oven
can be opened easily.
Maintain a gap of at least 20 cm above the
microwave oven.
Ensure that the electrical plug is accessible
without problem, so that in case of danger it
can be easily reached and removed.
Do not remove the pads underneath the micro
wave oven.
Do not block the ventilation slots 5. If you do,
it could damage the appliance.
Install the appliance as far away as possible
from radios and televisions. The operation of
the microwave oven can cause malfunctions to
radio and televsision reception.
Do not install the microwave above a cooker or any
other appliance generating heat. Installation in such
a location could cause damage to the appliance and
lead to a subsequent cancellation of the warranty
Preparing the appliance
Remove all packaging materials and any
protective film on the surface of the housing.
Do not remove the light grey flimmer cover plate,
which is mounted in the cooking area to protect
the magnetron.
Insert the plug into a power socket.
Use a 230 240 V, 50Hz, mains power socket
with a 16A fuse. It is recommended that the
microwave oven is powered from its own ring
main. If you are unsure about how to connect
the microwave oven, consult a specialist.
Before the first regular usage of the microwave oven
the appliance must be heated up to remove any
remaining production residues.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Silvercrest SMW 800 A1 - IAN 66480

Silvercrest SMW 800 A1 - IAN 66480 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Italiano - 74 pagina's

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