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7. In order to activate the function selected,
press the control knob 5.
5.5 Emptying the drip tray 9
Some of the steam used condenses and
collects in the drip tray 9.
To prevent the drip tray 9 from overflowing,
it should be emptied after every use:
1. Pull the drip tray 9 forwards and out.
Note: The drip tray 9 is located under
the door 2. The drip tray 9 can be
removed simply by gripping it at the
2. Empty the drip tray 9.
3. Push the drip tray 9 back into position in
the oven.
5.6 Discontinuing a function and
switching off
Note: If the cooking programme is
interrupted or the door 2 is opened, the
cooking time may take slightly longer.
1. The running function will be interrupted
the “CANCEL/STOP” button 23 is
the door 2 is opened;
the water tank 11 is pulled out;
– the water tank 11 is empty and the
“Water tank empty” display 18 is
The symbol for the selected function and
the remaining cooking time will flash.
2. In order to continue with the function
selected, press the control knob 5.
3. In order to bring the cooking function to
a complete stop, do not press the control
knob 5 but press “CANCEL/STOP” 23
a second time.
5.7 Selecting an automatic
Note: In “7. Table of Automatic
Programmes” on page 17, you will find
suggestions for using the automatic
programme settings.
The steam oven has 9 automatic programme
settings which can be selected for the
preparation of various meals.
1. Choose from one of the available
automatic programmes by pressing
In the display 3, the available functions
and automatic programmes will appear.
2. Press the control knob 5 until the display
20 for the required automatic
programme flashes.
3. Press the control knob 5.
In the display 17, the weight, size or
quantity will appear.
4. Turn the control knob 5 in order to
change the weight, size or quantity.
5. In order to activate the function selected,
press the control knob 5.
RP57458 Dampfgarer LB6 Seite 12 Montag, 27. August 1956 9:07 21

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