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Troubleshooting the Bread Baking Machine
What do I do if the kneading paddle gets stuck in the ²
baking mould after baking?
Fill the baking mould with hot water and twist the kneading
paddle ² to loosen the encrustation underneath.
What happens if the finished bread is left inside the
bread maker?
Through the "Keep-warm function" it is ensured that the bread
is kept warm for ca. 1 hour and that it is also protected
against moisture. If the bread remains in the baking machine
for longer than 1 hour, it may become moist.
Are the baking mould and the kneading paddle ²
suitable for cleaning in a dishwasher?
No. Please clean the baking mould and the kneading
paddle ² by hand.
Why doesn't the dough get stirred, even if the motor is
Check to see if the kneading paddle ² and the baking
mould have properly engaged.
What do I do if the kneading paddle ² gets stuck in the
Remove the kneading paddle ² with the kneading paddle
remover µ.
What happens if there is a power failure when a
Programme is running?
In the case of power failure for up to 10 minutes, the
bread maker will complete the last implemented program-
me through to the end.
How long does it take to bake bread? Please take note of the exact times given in the table
"Programme sequence".
What size breads can I bake? You can bake breads with weights of 750 g - 1000 g -
1250 g.
Why can't I use the Timer function while baking with fresh
Fresh products such as milk or eggs spoil if they remain
in the appliance for too long.
What has happened if the Bread Baking Machine does
not work after the Start/Stop button has been pressed?
Some baking processes, such as "Warming up" or "Rise"
are difficult to recognise. Using the table "Programme
sequence", check which programme section is currently in
operation. Verify that the appliance is functioning by chek-
king whether the operation indication lamp is glowing.
Check to seeif you have correctly pressed the Start/Stop
button .
Check to see if the power plug is connected to the wall
The appliance crushes the added raisins. To avoid the breaking up of ingredients such as fruit or
nuts, add them to the dough after the signal has sounded.
IB_89209_SBB850A1_DE_AT_NL.qxp 01.02.2013 10:04 Uhr Seite 61

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  • Hoe start ik deze machine ? Ik heb hem op glutenvrij brood gezet. komt er tijd in beeld en nr. 9. Maar de machine doet niks?
    Gesteld op 14-9-2020 om 09:34

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