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Macaroni and minced meat casserole
with broccoli
150 g Macaroni
500 ml water
1 Onion
1 Garlic clove
20 g butter
300 g minced meat "mixed pork/beef"
1 Packet tomato puree with herbs (350 g)
400 g Broccoli
4 Tbsp Water
1 carton sour cream (200 g)
150 g sliced Gouda cheese semi-mature
Spices: salt, pepper
Put 500 ml of water with 1 teaspoon of salt in bowl
suitable for microwaving, with a lid, and bring it to
the boil with the full power of 800 Watt in ca. 10
minutes. Then add macaroni and cook for 3-5 minutes
at 600 watts and then at 300 watts for another 3-
5 minutes.
Pour it into a sieve and allow it to drip dry. Now
braise the onion and the clove of garlic with the but-
ter in a microwave dish at 600 watts for approx. 4-
5 minutes. Add the mincemeat and tomato purée –
cook again for 8-10 minutes at 600 watts. Stir in
3/4 carton of sour cream and season with salt and
pepper. Wash and clean the broccoli and place it
into a microwave dish with 4 tblsp. water. Pre-cook
with lid at 800 watts for aprox. 5 minutes, then allow
to drain off. Put the macaroni, vegetables and mince-
meat sauce into a casserole dish and mix. Divide
the remaining 1/4 of sour cream over the top and
cover everything with the cheese slices. With the
setting of Grill/Combi 1 cook and bake-over at
500 Watts for ca. 16-18 minutes. If possible, use
the grill rack 9.
Fillet of pork with mushrooms in spicy
paprika sauce
4 fillets of pork, each approx. 150 g
350 g white mushrooms
150 g cubed bacon
2 cartons of cream (400 ml)
2 tblsp. tomato purée
Spices: salt, pepper, paprika
Season the fillets of pork and place them in a flat
casserole dish. Clean and halve the mushrooms and
put them into the casserole dish with the fillets of
Mix the cream, concentrate of tomato and capsicum
in a microwave-safe dish and cook at 600 watts
for approx. 5-6 minutes to bring to boil.
Then pour the sauce over the fillets.
With the setting of Grill/Combi 2 cook and bake-over
at 300 Watts for ca. 20-22 minutes
IB_KH1167_E33202_UK.qxd 04.05.2009 16:35 Uhr Seite 26

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