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Description of functions
Setting the Clock
After inserting the mains plug into the socket, open
the microwave door once. The LED indicator reads 2
"1:00". The oven emits an acoustic signal and switches
into standby mode.
1. Press the button r "Clock/Kitchen Timer" once
for ca. 3 seconds. In the LED indicator 2 the
24-hour modus is shown by "Hr 24". If you wish
to change to the 12-hour modus, press the but-
ton r "Clock/Kitchen Timer" once more. In the
LED indicator 2 the 12-hour modus is shown
by "Hr 12".
2. Turn the rotary switch 4 to programme in the
3. Now press the button "Clock/Kitchen Timer" r
and the minute details blink in the LED indicator 2.
4. Turn the rotary switch 4 to programme in the
5. To finish, press the button "Clock/Kitchen Timer“ r.
The time appears in the LED indicator 2.
If you press the button Erase/Stop/Child Safety“ z,
the appliance automatically returns to standby mode.
Setting the kitchen timer
The microwave oven is provided with a kitchen timer
which you can use independent of the microwave
1. Press the button r "Kitchen timer" when the
appliance is in standby mode. In the LED indi-
cator 2 "0:00" appears and the red clock
symbol glows.
2. Now set the time using the rotary switch 4.
You can select any time range from 5 seconds
to 95 minutes.
3. Press the button "Start/Quick Start" t. An acoustic
signal sounds and the time starts to count down.
After 5 seconds the time appears on the LED indi-
cator 2 and the red clock symbol extinguishes.
The Kitchen Timer continues to count further.
You can check the progress of the Kitchen Timer at
any time by simply pressing the button r
"Clock/Kitchen Timer".
As soon as the programmed time has elapsed,
signal tones sound until any button is pressed.
Safety locks 6
Press the door opener 5 to open the door. If the
door is opened during operation, the cooking pro-
cess is interrupted, the programme or function, how-
ever, remain. The cooking process continues when
the door is reclosed and the button "Start/Quick
Start" t has been pressed.
Turntable 7
Place the turntable 7 so that the post in the middle
of the microwave oven inserts itself exactly into the
depression on the underside of the turntable 7.
Should one of the rollers on the underside of the
turntable 7 be distorted or damaged, under
no circumstances should you contine to use the
turntable 7! It could come into contact with
the heating coils and thereby damage the anti-
stick coating! In the event of a damaged turn-
table 7 make contact with Customer Services.
IB_KH1167_E33202_UK.qxd 04.05.2009 16:35 Uhr Seite 9

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Silvercrest KH 1167 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français - 98 pagina's

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