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Do not allow the power cable to hang from a
table or work surface. Children could pull on it.
Keep the power cable away from hot surfaces.
Do not lead it in front of the microwave oven
door. The heat could damage the cable.
After they have been warmed up, always open
containers, popcorn-bags etc. with the opening
pointing away from your body. Escaping steam
could lead to scalds.
NEVER stand directly against the microwave
oven when opening the door. Escaping steam
could lead to scalds.
Never burden the turntable with more than 3 kg.
This could irreparably damage the appliance!
This appliance is not intended for use by indivi-
duals (including children) with restricted physical,
physiological or intellectual abilities or deficiences
in experience and/or knowledge unless they are
supervised by a person responsible for their safety
or receive from this person instruction in how the
appliance is to be used.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance.
Do not operate the appliance with an external
time switch or a separate remote control system.
To minimize the risk of fire in the microwave:
When heating food in plastic or paper containers,
always keep an eye on the microwave when it is
in operation, as these materials can catch fire.
Remove any ties containing wire from paper or
plastic bags before placing them in the microwave.
Should you notice smoke, switch the appliance
off or remove the plug from the socket and keep
the door closed to suffocate any possible flames.
Do not use the interior of the microwave for
storage purposes.
Do not leave paper items, cooking utensils or
food in the microwave when it is not being used.
Do not use the microwave oven to warm up
cushions filled with kernels, cherry stones or gels.
Risk of fire!
Liquids and other foods must not be heated in air-
tight containers, as these may explode and damage
the appliance.
When heating drinks in the microwave, bubbling
may be delayed when the drink boils. Therefore,
be careful when handling the container.
Do not fry in the microwave. Hot oil can damage
parts of the appliance and utensils and even
cause skin burns.
Eggs in their shells and hard-boiled eggs should
not be heated in the microwave oven as they
could explode, even on completion of the heating
Food with thick skins, such as potatoes, whole
pumpkins, apples and chestnuts must be pricked
before cooking.
The content of babies' bottles or jars of baby
food should be shaken or stirred.
Before feeding, check the temperature to avoid
potentially lethal burns for babies.
Cooking utensils may become hot from the heat
emitted by the food, so that you may require
oven gloves to touch them. In this case, a check
should also be made to ensure that the cooking
utensils are suitable for use with the microwave
IB_KH1167_E33202_UK.qxd 04.05.2009 16:35 Uhr Seite 6

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