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SilverCrest SMWH 700 A1
40 - English
12. Storage when not in use / transport
If you do not wish to use the microwave, keep it in a clean, dry, dust-free place away from direct sunlight.
When transporting the microwave, we recommend you to use the original packaging to prevent any
damage. Alternatively you can use a large and resistant cardboard container and place suitable padding
(e.g. woollen blankets) all around the microwave. You should especially protect the door (8) and door
lock (10).
13. Troubleshooting
Not working
Check that the mains plug is correctly inserted into the mains socket.
The mains socket is defective. Test the appliance in a different mains socket that you are certain is
The glass plate (7) makes noises as it turns.
Check that the glass plate (7) is seated properly on the drive star (6). Position it correctly.
Check whether the drive star (6) or the bottom of the microwave is dirty. Clean both.
14. Environmental regulations and disposal information
Appliances marked with this symbol are subject to the European Directive 2012/19/EU.
All electrical and electronic appliances must be disposed of separately from household
waste at official disposal centres. Avoid damage to the environment and risks to your
personal health by disposing of the appliance properly. For further information about
proper disposal, contact your local government, disposal bodies or the shop where you
bought the appliance.
Dispose of all packaging in an environmentally friendly manner. Cardboard packaging
can be taken to paper recycling centres or public collection points for recycling. Any film
or plastic contained in the packaging should be taken to your public collection points for
Please note the markings on the packaging material when disposing of it, it is labelled
with abbreviations (a) and numbers (b), the meanings of which are as follows:
1–7: plastic / 20–22: paper and cardboard / 80-98: composite materials.
The product can be recycled, is subject to an extended producer responsibility and is
collected separately.

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