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26 GB/IE
Do not kink or squash the mains
Protect the product against drip-
ping water and splashing water.
Avoid contact with water or other
liquids. Keep the product, the
mains cable and the mains plug
away from washing basins, sinks
or similar. If any liquid gets inside
the product, immediately unplug
the mains plug from the earthed
plug socket. Have the product
checked over by a qualified pro-
Never touch the product or the
mains cable with wet hands.
Do not operate the product near
devices which emit heat themselv
e.g. ovens or stoves.
Only use the product in a free-
standing capacity.
Do not install the product inside
a cupboard.
The minimum installation height
is 85 cm.
Position the back of the product
against a wall.
Observe the required minimum
distance (in cm) between the pro-
duct and other objects (see Fig. C).
Never cover up the product‘s
ventilation openings.
As soon as you notice sparks,
flashes or even fire, immediately
press the stop button 14 and un-
plug the mains plug.
Never leave the product unat-
tended. Always supervise the
cooking or defrosting process.
Only use utensils which are suit-
able for use in microwave devices.
Remove metallic packaging ele-
ments from foods before heating
them up.
Never use metal containers for
food or drinks.
Do not heat up fat or oil.
The product is intended for heat-
ing up foods and drinks. Drying
foods or clothing and heating up
heating pads, slippers, sponges,
damp cleaning cloths or similar
can cause injuries, ignition or fire.
Please note that the door
9 and the outer surfaces
an become hot during operati
Allow these to cool down or use
pot holders or oven gloves.

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