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Setting the cooking time
¾After choosing the power level, use
set the desired cooking time:
Time setting
(Cooking time) Time increments
less than 5 minutes 10-second increments
from 5 to 10 minutes 30-second increments
from 10 to 60 minutes 1-minute increments
Starting the cooking process
Once you have set the power level and the cooking
time, you can start cooking:
¾Start cooking: Press
. Cooking begins. The
time is counted down.
¾When the set time has elapsed: End is shown in
the display 7. 3 beeps sound.
or open the door 1. The
product switches to the standby mode. If you do
nothing, there will be a further 3 beeps every
3 minutes.
Pausing/cancelling the cooking
You can pause or stop cooking at any time:
¾Pause cooking: Press
. The
remaining time stops and flashes. The cooking
time is paused.
¾Resume cooking: Press
. The time is
counted down again.
¾Stop cooking: Press
again. The
time is shown in the display 7.
Quick start 1
This feature allows you to immediately cook for
1 minute (or longer, up to 60 minutes) with 100P
(700 W) power.
¾In standby mode: Press
. Cooking begins.
Time setting
(Defrost) Time increments
less than 5 minutes 10-second increments
from 5 to 10 minutes 30-second increments
from 10 to 60 minutes 1-minute increments
Quick start 2
This function is mainly intended for heating drinks in
cups (150 ml).
This feature allows you to start heating for 30, 60, or
90 seconds at 100P (700 W) power.
¾Press 9. 00:30 is shown in the display 7.
¾Press 9 again if you want to amend the
cooking time to 60 or 90 seconds.
¾Start the process: Press
. Cooking begins.
The time is counted down.
Setting the timer
¾Set the desired power level and cooking time
(see previous chapters).
¾Press and hold
for a few seconds.
The current time is shown. The hour display is
to set the hours.
to confirm your selection.
¾The minute display is flashing. Use
set the minutes.
to confirm your selection.
¾The input is confirmed with a long beep. The time
is shown in the display 7.
. The programmed start time is
shown for a few seconds in the display 7.
¾If an automatic start time is set, the product can
not be started manually.

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