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SilverCrest SMW 800 E2
46 - English
7. Before you start
Remove the microwave from the packaging. Remove all packaging material and check that all parts are
complete and undamaged. If you find anything missing or damaged, please contact the manufacturer.
The microwave is supplied with
stickers in different languages. Please
select a sticker with your preferred
Then stick it at the position shown in
the diagram opposite, so you can see
the meanings of the symbols for the
buttons and automatic programmes at
all times.
7.1 How the microwave works
The microwave generates electromagnetic waves which create strong vibrations in the water molecules
contained in the food. These vibrations create heat. The heat is generated directly in the food and the
process is very gentle. The cookware is only heated indirectly by the food. Food with a high moisture content
heats quicker than dryer food.
Tips for getting good results from your food:
Use appropriate utensils and do not place food directly on the glass plate (2).
Cookware should not protude beyond the edge of the glass plate (2).
If possible place thicker parts of food towards the edges..
In order to prevent the food from drying out, select the shortest cooking time given to start with. You
can extend the time if required. If you select the time setting too high, food can overcook, begin to
smoke or even catch fire.
Special covers to cover food in the microwave are available from retail outlets. These prevent the
cooking space from being contaminated by food splatters.
To achieve an even cooking result, it makes sense to turn large pieces of food (e.g. joints) over at least
once during cooking. The same applies to foods which can only be eaten if cooked through properly,
such as poultry or mince.
7.2 Suitable cookware
Microwave mode
Cookware made of heat-resistant glass or porcelain
Cookware made of heat-resistant plastic. Prepare oven bags with holes to prevent the build-up of
Special plastic cookware for microwaves is available from retail outlets.
Cookware must not contain metal.

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