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Audio/Video Connection to a Screen with SCART connector
If your screen features a SCART connector you my also connect the DVD player to this SCART connector.
The advantage of this connection type is an optimum picture quality.
5. If your TV set allows you to manually switch
between RGB and FBAS (Video), we
recommend that you use the RGB setting in
order to obtain better picture quality. If you
have connected the DVD player to the TV set
via the SCART cable, the TV set will
automatically switch to AV mode when
powering the DVD player on (the TV set must
support this function).
6. If no picture is displayed, press the V-Mode
button (button 37 on the fold-out cover page)
of the remote control to enable the SCART
Output of your Silvercrest DVD player and
press the button as many times as necessary to
display the picture.
Have the following cable ready:
1. SCART cable (included in the package)
2. Power cord (please note that your Silvercrest
DVD player has a fixed-installed power cord)
Warning: Connect the power cord of your DVD
player only after you have finished connecting
all video and audio cables.
1. Power your screen off and connect the DVD
players SCART connector with the SCART
connector of your screen.
Note: The stereo sound will be transferred directly
over the SCART cable.
2. As your Silvercrest DVD player has a fixed
power cord, you only need to plug the other
end into a wall outlet.
3. First turn on your TV then turn on the DVD
4. Select the corresponding Video In connector
on your TV set.
Note: For further information, please check the
instruction manual offered by your TV set. On the
TV screen you’ll see the DVD player’s start
AV) cable
to TV screen’s SCART

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Andere handleiding(en) van Silvercrest DP5400x

Silvercrest DP5400x Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 45 pagina's

Silvercrest DP5400x Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 44 pagina's

Silvercrest DP5400x Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 45 pagina's

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