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Audio CD
Video CD
Super Video CD
CD-R with audio/MP3/JPEG/MPEG/WMA contents
CD-RW with audio/MP3/JPEG/MPEG/WMA contents
MPEG-4 Disks, VOD-Videos, XviD, Kodak Picture-CD, Nero Digital (only for built-in CD/DVD drive, not
supported by card reader nor USB)
Compatibility of Discs Created on a PC
When creating a disc on a PC – even when using a compatible format – it may be that this disc is not playable
on this device. This can be due to the burning software settings. In this case, please contact the manufacturer of
your software and check for more detailed information.
Device and Disc Maintenance and Care
Hold the disc on the border only, or put your index finger through the hole in the centre. Avoid touching the
surface containing data. For double-sided discs, this applies to both sides.
Note: Do not attach any adhesive labels nor tape on the disc and avoid scratches or other damage.
Cleaning the Discs
Fingerprints or stains on the disc surface deteriorate the signal processing. Depending on the amount of
dirt, the light that has been created inside the laser unit will be reflected partially (attenuated) only leading
to inaccurate reading. To clean the disc, use a soft cloth and wipe the disc from the centre to the border.
When very dirty, wipe the disc with a damp cloth and let the disc dry.
Do not use any anti-static products or organic solvents or thinners. These can (as is the case with all
volatile substances) damage the disc surface.
Storing the Discs
To avoid deformation, always store the discs in their box.
Avoid exposing them to high temperatures and humidity. Do not store the disc in a car parked in the sun.
For more information, read the instructions included with the discs.
Disc to be Avoided
Use normal, round-shaped discs only. Do not use any deformed, scratched, or damaged discs – they can shatter
with the high rotation speed in the inside of the unit.
Cleaning the DVD Player
The front panel and housing of the DVD player only need to be cleaned with a soft cloth from time to time.
When very dirty, a neutral cleaner can be sprayed onto the cloth first. Do not use any volatile solutions.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Silvercrest DP5400x

Silvercrest DP5400x Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 45 pagina's

Silvercrest DP5400x Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 44 pagina's

Silvercrest DP5400x Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 45 pagina's

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