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Thank you very much for purchasing a Sigma Lens. In order to get the
maximum performance and enjoyment out of your Sigma lens, please
read this instruction booklet thoroughly before you start to use the lens.
These are special lenses that are designated for digital cameras because
the lens image circle is designated to correspond to the size of the image
sensors of most digital SLR cameras. The specialized design gives these
lenses the ideal properties for digital cameras.
An image sensor element larger than those corresponding to APS-C
cannot be used in digital cameras or 35mm SLR cameras. If such an
element is used vignetting will occur on the picture surface.
If you use SD14 or SD10 or SD9 digital camera, corresponding angle of
view will be 30-85mm.
When this lens is attached to the camera body it will automatically function
in the same way as your normal lens. Please refer to the instruction
booklet for your camera body.
On the lens mount surface, there are a number of couplers and
electrical contacts. Please keep them clean to ensure proper
connection. To avoid damaging the lens, be especially sure to place the
lens with its front end down while changing the lens.
This lens is powered from the camera. The stabilizer unit will be placed to
a specific position in the lens body and then shooting will be possible
(stabilizer unit will switch to active status) regardless of the OS Switch
position. The active status will take approximately a minute from turning
the camera on or depressing the shutter button “half-way”.
The image in the viewfinder looks like it is vibrating after the camera is
turned on or turned off. This is not a malfunction.
If you fix the camera with the tripod or another method, please
determine the composition when the stabilize unit is in the active status.
The composition seen through the viewfinder will be different depending
on the power status of the camera. If the active status is cancelled,
please press the shutter button “half-way”.
The sigma lens functions automatically after mounting to your camera.
Please, refer to the camera instruction book.
For autofocus operation, set the focus mode switch on the lens to “AF”
If you wish to focus manually, set the focus mode switch on the lens to the
“MF” position. You can adjust the focus by turning the focus ring.
To avoid damaging AF mechanism, please do not turn the focus ring
manually while in the autofocus mode.
When operating this lens in manual focus mode, it is recommended that
correct focus be confirmed visually in the viewfinder rather than relying
on the distance scale. This is due to possible focus shift resulting from
extreme changes in temperature which cause various components in
the lens to expand and contact. Special allowance is made for this at the
infinity setting.
Rotate the Rubber grip on the zoom ring to the desired position.
This OS lens effectively compensates for image blurring caused by
camera shake. Using the Optical Stabilizer function it is possible to get
sharp results at shutter speeds approximately 4 stops slower than you
could without using the OS function.
Set the OS switch to ON (fig.2). Press the shutter button halfway down,
confirm the image in the viewfinder is stable then take the picture. (It takes
approximately 1 second to produce a stable image from the time of
depressing the shutter button halfway).
Do not use the Optical Stabilizer in the following situations:
When the lens is mounted on a tripod. When using the camera in Bulb
The Optical Stabilizer function is powered from the camera. If the OS
lens is attached to your camera and activated, shooting capacity of your
camera will be lower than with conventional lenses used with the same
camera. If you are not using OS, please turn OFF the OS switch, in
order to prevent unnecessary battery consumption.
Be sure to turn the OS switch to the OFF position before attaching or
detaching the lens to the camera.
The OS continues to operate after you release your finger from the
shutter button, as long as the exposure meter displays the exposure
value. Never remove the lens or remove the camera’s battery while the
image stabilizer is operating as this could damage the lens.
Although the viewfinder image may appear to shake immediately after
shooting and/or at the start of the flash charge cycle of the camera’s
built-in flash, it will not cause any effect to the pictures.
If the lens is detached from camera or the camera power is turned off
while the OS function is in operation, the lens may emit a chattering
noise, but this is not a malfunction.
For Sony and Pentax mounts, it is only possible to use the OS function,
incorporated in this lens, with camera bodies which support motors
driven by ultrasonic waves such as HSM. When using the OS function,
please turn off the optical stabilizer function of the camera body and set
the OS switch of the lens to ON. When using the camera’s optical
stabilizer function, please set the OS switch of the lens to OFF and turn
the camera’s optical stabilizer function on.
A bayonet type detachable hood is provided with the lens. This lens hood
helps to prevent flare and ghosted images caused by bright illumination
from outside the picture area. Attach the hood and turn clockwise until it
stops rotation. (fig.3)
When taking photographs using the built-in flash, it is advisable to
remove the lens hood so as to avoid cutting off any of the flash output,
which could cause a shadow in the picture.
In order to place the lens and hood into the storage case, you must first
remove the hood, then replace it on the lens in the reverse position.
Only one filter should be used at the time. Two or more filters and/or
special thicker filters, like a polarizing filter, may cause vignetting.
When using a polarizing filter with AF camera, use the “circular” type.
Avoid any shocks or exposure to extreme high or low temperatures or
to humidity.
For extended storage, choose a cool and dry place, preferably with
good ventilation. To avoid damage to the lens coating, keep away from
mothballs or naphthalene gas.
Do not use thinner, benzine or other organic cleaning agents to remove
dirt or finger prints from the lens elements. Clean by using a soft,
moistened lens cloth or lens tissue.
This lens is not waterproof. When you use the lens in the rain or near
water, keep it from getting wet. It is often impractical to repair the
internal mechanism, lens elements and electric components damaged
by water.
Sudden temperature changes may cause condensation or fog to appear
on the surface of the lens. When entering a warm room from the cold
outdoors, it is advisable to keep the lens in the case until the
temperature of the lens approaches room temperature.
Lens construction 12 – 16 Magnification 1:4.1
Angle of View 69.3 – 27.9° Filter Size 67mm
Minimum Aperture 22
2.91×3.49 in
Minimum Focusing Distance
0.3m (0.98 ft) Weight 395g (13.9 oz)
Dimensions and weight include the SIGMA mount.
Filter Attachment Thread
Focus Ring
Distance Scale
Focus Index Line
Zoom Ring
Focus Mode Switch
OS Switch
Lens Hood

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