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Thank you for choosing Sienna for your household cleaning needs. Our floor care
products use the active power of steam without the use of chemicals; making it a
green product that is safe for the ecosystem. You have begun the first step into
transforming your house into a green, environmentally safe home. Our Sienna steam
products are a modern way of cleaning that is efficient and far more sanitary than
conventional methods.
You can achieve a high level of effective cleaning by decreasing cleansing power thru
steam. When using our 100% cotton microfiber cloth pad to enhance absorbency
combined with the power of germ killing steam, dirt and grime can be eliminated in a
matter of seconds. The tiny hot vapor molecules penetrate porous surfaces being
cleaned, expanding and forcing dirt, debris, and bacteria to the surface. When used
correctly, our steam mops can kill dust mites and certain types of bacteria pathogens
such as salmonella and E-coli on contact.
Since you do not need chemicals in order to use our products, not only will you see the
savings in your wallet, but you have provided a safer place for you and your family to
live in. We encourage you to improve your way of life, better the environment, and
spend time enjoying your clean chemical free floor.
Aqua Laser
The Aqua Laser Steam Floor Mop is an innovative product that cleans and sanitizes
your home by harnessing the natural cleaning power of hot steam vapor. This versatile
steam floor mop is well-suited to clean a variety of floor surfaces. By pressing the
trigger, The Aqua Laser heats water up to 212 F within 30 seconds that is turned into
instant steam for cleaning and sanitizing. The Aqua Laser creates a powerful sanitizing
steam vapor that lasts for up to 20 minutes. In addition, the included carpet glider
ensures that your carpet is clean and sanitized. The user-friendly design is intended to
tackle the toughest dirt and debris. It features a 1500-watt heating element, a
560ml/18.90 fl oz water tank, a 180-degree swivel head, 2 heavy-duty microfiber pads,
and much more. The fold down handle feature is great for storing the unit in compact
Aqua Pro
The Aqua Pro is the Aqua Laser with a personal touch. You are able to control the
amount of steam that is used with 3 different settings. Scrub for deep cleaning, mop
for general day to day cleaning, or dust for quick cleaning.
Aqua Pro V
The Aqua Pro V has the most features of all Aqua products making it the most efficient
of the three. With our exclusive vibrate button, you have additional working power to
pull up dirt and grime from the problem areas on your floor.

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