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The Sienna Aqua Laser (SSM-0618), Aqua Pro (SSM-3618), and Aqua Pro V (SSM-4618)
Steam Mops are for indoor domestic floor use only. Any commercial use will void
warranty. The steamer(s) should not be used upside down or vertically. They are
designed for sanitizing and cleaning an array of floor surfaces such
Safety Instructions:
WARNING: Be sure to read and follow all safety instructions before using
your steam mop. Proper care and maintenance will help to expand the life of
your steamer.
When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be followed. To
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury:
Be sure to unplug the electrical cord when appliance is not in use and while servicing.
Do not leave the steamer unattended while young children, pets or infirm persons
are around.
Children should be supervised and cautioned that the steamer is not a toy and
should not be played with.
Do not direct steam towards people, pets, electrical appliances, or electrical outlets.
Do not immerse the steamer in water or other liquids.
Do not handle steamer with wet hands.
Do not pull power cord to disconnect appliance from socket or use cord as a handle.
Be sure to keep cord away from heat, water, and sharp edges.
Do not use if cord or plug is damaged.
Do not use extension cords or outlets with inadequate current carrying capacity.
Do not use steamer on any steam sensitive material such as velvet, leather, wax
polished furniture or floors, synthetic and other delicate fabrics.
Do not use on unsealed hardwood floors. By doing so, you may remove the sheen
from the steam. It is recommended to test an isolated area with the steam mop
before proceeding. As a precaution, you should check the manual made by the floor
manufacturer for proper care instructions.
Never put cleaning detergents or chemicals into the steamer as it will make the
product unsafe and damage the unit.
Do not use steamer without floor cloth pad in place.
Use only manufacturer's recommended accessories.
Stop using steamer if circuit breaker activates. Beware of risk of shock.
Wear proper shoes when operating your steamer. Open-toed shoes, slippers or bare
feet may cause you to slip and fall or cause hot steam on your feet.
Do not use steamer on stairs.
Allow your steamer to cool down before storing in a cool, dry place.
as carpet, ceramic tile,
marble, sealed hardwood, sealed laminate, stone and vinyl floors.

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