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End of programme when ...
... the status indicator (spin) - b (end) flashes.
Interrupting the programme
Programmes at high temperatures:
Cool washing: Select Rinse .
Select Start .
Programmes at lower temperatures:
Select Spin or s Empty.
Select Start .
Changing the programme, if ...
... you have selected the wrong programme by mistake:
Reselect the programme.
Select Start . The new programme starts from the
Correct installation according to the
separate Installation instructions.
Checking the machine
Never use a damaged machine.
Inform the after-sales service.
Connecting the mains
Make sure your hands are dry.
Take hold of the plug only.
Turning the tap on
Compartment II: Detergent for the main wash, water softener,
bleach, stain remover
Sorting and loading laundry
Follow the manufacturer's care information.
According to the information on the care labels.
According to type, colour, soiling and temperature.
Do not exceed the maximum load a page 7.
Observe the important information a page 6.
Insert large and small items of laundry.
Close the washing machine door. Take care not to trap items of laundry
between the washing machine door and the rubber seal.
Add detergent and care products
Measure accordingly:
Amount of laundry, soiling, water hardness (ask your water supply
company) and manufacturer's instructions.
Pour liquid detergent into the appropriate dispenser and place in the drum.
Your washing machine
Congratulations ä You have opted for a modern, high-quality
domestic appliance manufactured by Siemens. This washing
machine is distinguished by its economical water and energy
Each machine that leaves our factory has been inspected thoroughly
to ensure that it functions properly and is in perfect condition.
For further information and a selection of our products go to our web
site: www.siemens-home.com
Environmentally friendly waste disposal
All packaging must be disposed of in accordance with
environmental guidelines.
This appliance is certified in accordance with European Directive
2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
This directive provides the framework for the EU-wide collection and
reuse of used appliances.
Intended use
Contents Page
ʋ Intended use .......................................................................................1
ʋ Programmes .......................................................................................1
ʋ Setting and adjusting the programme ...........................................3
ʋ Washing ...........................................................................................3/4
ʋ After washing ......................................................................................4
ʋ Individual settings ..............................................................................5
ʋ Important information ........................................................................6
ʋ Overview of programmes ................................................................7
ʋ Safety instructions .............................................................................8
ʋ Consumption values .........................................................................8
ʋ Before washing for the first time/Care ..........................................9
ʋ Information to indicator lights ..........................................................9
ʋ Maintenance .................................................................................... 10
ʋ What to do if... .................................................................................. 11
Environmental protection/Conservation tips
Always fill the washing machine with a maximum amount of
laundry for the relevant programme.
Instead of Cottons 90 °C, choose the programme
cCottonsc60 °C Intensive . Comparable cleaning result with
significantly lower energy consumption.
Measure the detergent according to the manufacturer's
instructions and water hardness.
If the laundry is then dried in the tumble dryer, select the spin
speed according to the instructions of the dryer manufacturer.
Before washing for the first time
Wash once without any laundry a page 9.
Setting and adjusting programmes
Programme selector Start
Programme selector for
switching the machine on
and off and for selecting
the programme. Can be
turned in either direction.
Detailed overview of programmes a page 7.
Cottons hard-wearing fabrics
hard-wearing fabrics
Super 30’ Short programme
Rinse with subsequent spin cycle
Spin laundry washed by hand
s Empty the rinsing water
(no spin = without final spin)
Wool O ÿü hand/machine-washable textiles
Delicate/Silk delicate washable fabrics
Easy-Care easy-care fabrics
Additional function a Individual settings,
page 5.
Select Start
Removing the washing
Open the washing machine door and remove the washing.
If No Spin (Rinse Hold, without final spin) is active: Turn
the programme selector to s]Empty or select the spin
Select Start .
Remove any foreign objects - risk of rusting.
Leave the washing machine door and detergent
drawer open so that any residual water can
Turning the tap off
Not required for AquaStop models a Hinweise
Installation Instructions, page 7.
Switching off
Turn the programme selector to Off.
Detergent drawer with
compartments II, ~
Washing machine
Compartment ~: Fabric softener, starch
ʋ for use in the household only,
ʋ for machine-washable fabrics and hand-washable wool
in detergent solution,
ʋ to be operated with cold drinking water and commer-
cially available detergents and care products which are
suitable for use in washing machines.
Do not leave children unattended near the
washing machine.
The washing machine is not to be used by
children or persons not familiar with the
operating instructions.
Keep pets away from the washing machine.
Dilute thick fabric softener and fabric conditioner with water.
This prevents blockages.
Individual settings
Additional functions a and overview of programmes, see page 7.
No Spin clothing remains immersed in the last rinse water.
Reduce spin speed (values depending on model).
For starting the programme.
Important information
Protecting the washing and the machine
Empty pockets.
Look out for metal items (paperclips, etc.).
Wash delicates in a laundry bag (tights, curtains, underwired bras).
Fasten zips, do up any buttons.
Brush sand out of pockets and collars.
Remove curtain fittings or place in the laundry bag.
Washing with varying degrees of soiling
Wash new items of clothing separately.
light Do not pre-wash.
If required, pretreat stains. Select programme Cottonsc60°C
Intensive .
heavy Load less washing.
Select programme Select programme Cottonsc60°C
Intensive .
Starching Washing must not be treated with fabric softener
Starching is possible in all wash programmes if liquid starch is used. Pour the starch in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions into fabric softener compartment ~ (rinse first
if necessary).
Dye should only be used in normal household quantities. Salt may damage stainless steel.
Always follow the dye manufacturer's instructions! Do not use the washing machine for
bleaching clothes!
Control panel
Service flap for
detergent solution
(*spin speed depending on model)

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