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04.01.2010 A31008-M2013-L101-2-7643_01-03-2010 Gi
aset A580 IP Grossbritan-
2Safety precautions
> Only use the mains adapters supplied, as indicated on the underside of the base station or charging cradle.
> Only use the recommended, rechargeable batteries, i.e. never use a conventional (non-rechargeable)
battery or other battery types as this could result in significant health risks and personal injury. For example,
the outer casing of the batteries could be damaged or the batteries could explode. The phone could also
malfunction or be damaged as a result of using batteries that are not of the recommended type.
> Insert rechargeable batteries with the correct polarity, and use them in accordance with the user guide
(polarity symbols are displayed in or on the handset's battery compartment).
> Batteries should not be disposed of in general household waste. Observe the local waste disposal regula-
tions, details of which can be obtained from your local authority or the dealer you purchased the product
> The operation of medical appliances may be affected. Be aware of the technical conditions in your particular
environment, e.g. doctor's surgery.
> Do not hold the rear of the handset to your ear when it is ringing or when the handsfree function is acti-
vated. Otherwise you risk serious and permanent damage to your hearing.
The handset may cause an unpleasant humming noise in hearing aids.
> Do not install the base station or charging cradle in bathrooms or shower rooms. The handset, base station
and charging cradle are not splashproof.
> The charging cradle and base station are designed for use in enclosed dry rooms with a temperature range
of +5°C to +45°C.
> Do not use the phone in environments with a potential explosion hazard, e.g. paint shops.
> Never expose the telephone to any of the following: heat sources, direct sunlight or other electrical appli-
> Protect your Gigaset from moisture, dust, corrosive liquids and vapours.
> If you give your Gigaset to someone else, make sure you also give them the user guide.
> Please remove faulty base stations from use or have them repaired by our Service Centre, as they could
interfere with other wireless services.
> All electrical and electronic equipment must be disposed of separately from general household waste using
the sites designated by local authorities.
If a product displays this symbol of a crossed-out rubbish bin, the product is subject to
European Directive 2002/96/EC.
The appropriate disposal and separate collection of used equipment serve to prevent
potential harm to the environment and to health. They are a precondition for the re-use
and recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment.
For further information on disposing of your used equipment, please contact your local
authority, your refuse collection service or the dealer you purchased the product from.
Read the safety precautions and the user guide on the CD before use.
Explain their content and the potential hazards associated with using the telephone to your children.
When the keypad lock is active, you cannot call emergency numbers.
3Pack contents
Gigaset A580 IP base station
Mains adapter for connecting the base station to the mains power supply
Phone cord for connecting the base station to the fixed line network
Ethernet (LAN) cable for connecting the base station to the router (LAN/Internet)
Gigaset A58H handset
Two batteries for the handset (uncharged)
Battery compartment cover for the handset
Handset charging cradle
Mains adapter for connecting the charging cradle to the mains power supply
CD with the user guide for your Gigaset.
If the firmware for your base station is updated, the user guide will also be updated and
made available for download on the Internet at www.gigaset.com
4Keys and functions on the handset
Display keys
Start function displayed to the left or right of the bottom
display line
Press up: handsfree key d
Switch between earpiece and handsfree mode
(key lights up)
Press down: talk key c
After entering number: start dialling via VoIP/fixed line
network (press briefly/press and hold); accept call
Control key:
Press up: Set call volume, ringer and advisory tones
Press down: Open directory
Press up/down: Navigate menus and text
Press up: message key f
Open calls and messages lists;
Flashes: new message/new call or
New base station firmware/new provider profile
Press down: end call, on/off key a
End call, cancel function (press briefly)
Return to idle status (press and hold)
Switch handset on/off (press and hold)
Fast access key (press and hold):
Messages on the network mailbox
* key: Ringer on/off (press and hold)
# key: Keypad lock on/off (press and hold)
Recall/pause key (fixed line network)
Open internal list
A31008- M2013- L101- 2- 7643
Version: 01-03-2010
5Connection overview
Preparing the handset: inserting the batteries
Connecting the charging cradle to the mains power supply and charging the batteries
Connecting the phone cord and power lead to the base station
Connecting the base station to the fixed line network and the mains power supply
To connect the base station to the Internet, first connect the base station to the router
(connection via router and modem or via router with integrated modem)
PC in LAN (optional) – for advanced configuration of the Gigaset A580 IP base station
6Preparing the handset
Inserting the supplied batteries and closing the battery cover
Connecting the charging cradle and charging the batteries
> Check the polarity when inserting the batteries
(see symbols in or on the battery compartment).
> Only use the recommended rechargeable
Once the batteries have been inserted, the handset
switches on automatically.
Insert the battery compartment
cover into the notches at the top of
the battery compartment.
Then press the battery compart-
ment cover until it clicks into place.
> The display is protected by a plastic film. Please remove the protective film!
> Place the handset in the charging cradle and
wait until the batteries are fully charged.
> Do not put the handset back in the charging
cradle until the batteries are fully dis-
charged through use.
> After the first battery charge and discharge,
you may place your handset in the charging
cradle after every call.
> The battery charging status is displayed
in the idle display: = e V U
(flat to full).
> Observe the
sequence (A, B)!
10 h
7Connecting the base station
Connecting the phone cord and power lead to the base station
Connecting the base station to the fixed line network and
mains power supply
You can now use your phone to make calls via the fixed line network:
Enter the number using the handset, and then press and hold the talk key c.
Insert the phone cord into the lower
connection socket at the rear of the
base station.
Insert the power lead of the mains
adapter into the upper connection
socket at the rear of the base station.
Insert both cables into their respective
cable recesses.
Only use the supplied phone cord and the
supplied mains adapter.
Insert the phone cord into the fixed
line network connection socket.
Then insert the mains adapter into
the mains socket.
Keep the mains adapter plugged in at
all times for operation, as the phone
does not work without a mains connec-
8Connecting the base station
Connecting the base station with the router (Internet)
Connecting the PC to the router (optional)
You can change the settings on the phone's base station using a PC connected to your phone via
the router.
> Connect the PC network connection to a free LAN socket on your router.
Connect one Ethernet cable plug to
the LAN socket at the side of the
base station.
Insert the second Ethernet cable plug
into a LAN socket on the router.
Use the Ethernet cable supplied.
As soon as the cable connecting the phone and router is
plugged in and the router is switched on, the key lights up
on the front of the base station (paging key).
> The procedure below requires that your phone is automatically assigned an IP address by the
router (i.e. DHCP is enabled on router and phone).
In exceptional cases (e.g. if DHCP is not enabled on the router) you will have to assign a
static IP address to the base station for LAN access. You must enter this IP address on the
handset before carrying out the following steps. Further information can be found in the
user guide on the enclosed CD.
The following handset menu can be used to make the entry:
§Menu§ ¢ m Settings ¢ Base ¢ Local Network ¢ (enter system PIN)
> IP should be set as the default line for your phone (default setting). You will then immedi-
ately receive corresponding messages if a connection to the provider's VoIP server cannot be
established due to incorrect/incomplete data.
__make_poster.fm Seite 1 Montag, 4. Januar 2010 3:20 15

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  • A gigaset IP 580 - ik kan wel bellen maar hoor de andere kant niet, zij mij wel ,maar als ik gebeld wordt gaat alles goed. waaraan kan dat liggen? Gesteld op 11-5-2019 om 22:17

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • is gebeurd maar nu doet ie het helemaal niet meer, kom ook niet in setting via config. Ga het eens bij een ander aansluiten als ik in Nederland ben
      Dank voor het meedenken. Geantwoord op 24-1-2020 om 17:26

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens gigaset a580 ip

Siemens gigaset a580 ip Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Siemens gigaset a580 ip Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 72 pagina's

Siemens gigaset a580 ip Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 24 pagina's

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