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Lombok A150/A150A/A250/A250A / UK-IE / A31008-M2702-L101-1-7619 / Lombok.fm / 22.08.2016
Version 4, 16.09.2005
The base station at a glance
Base A150/A250
Base A150A/A250A
1 Registration/paging key:
Search for handsets (press briefly, "Pag-
¢ page 9).
Register handsets (press and hold
¢ page 9).
2 Volume keys: ( = quieter; + = louder)
During message playback: adjust the
speaking volume.
While phone is ringing: adjust ringer
melody volume.
3 Play/Stop key:
Switch answer machine on and off (press
and hold);
play back new messages from answer
machine (press briefly);
during message playback: cancel play-
back (press briefly).
Lights up: Answer machine is activated.
Flashes: You have at least one new mes-
sage or a message is played back or be-
ing recorded.
Flashes very quickly: Full memory.
During message playback:
4 Skip to the start of the current message
(press once) or go to the previous
message (press twice).
5Go to the next message.
6 Delete current message.
Safety precautions
Read the safety precautions and the user guide before use.
The device cannot be used in the event of a power failure. In case of a power
re it is also not possible to make emergency calls.
Emergency numbers ca
nnot be dialled if the keypad/display lock is activated!
Do not use the devices in environments with a potential explosion hazard
(e.g. paint shops).
The devices are not splashproof. For this reason do not install them in a damp
vironment such as bathrooms or shower rooms.
Use only the power adapter indicated on the device.
Use only re
chargeable batteries that correspond to the specification (see
"Specifications"). Never use a conventional (non-rechargeable) battery or other battery
types as this could result in significant health risks and personal injury. Rechargeable
batteries, which are noticeably damaged, must be replaced.
Remove faulty devices from use or have them repaired by our Service team, as these
ld interfere with other wireless services.
Do not use the device if the display is cracked o
r broken. Broken glass or plastic can
cause injury to hands and face. Send the device to our Service department to be
Do not hold the rear of the handset to your ear when it is ringing or when speaker mode
is ac
tivated. Otherwise you risk serious and permanent damage to your hearing.
The phone may cause interference in analogue hearing aids (humming or whistling) or
cause them to overload. If you require assistance, please contact the hearing aid
Using your telephone may affect nearby medical equipment. Be aware of the technical
ns in your particular environment, e.g. doctor's surgery. If you use a medical
device (e.g. a pacemaker), please contact the device manufacturer. They will be able to
advise you regarding the susceptibility of the device to external sources of high
frequency energy (for the specifications of your Gigaset product see "Specifications").

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De handleiding is 0,57 mb groot.


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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens gigaset a250

Siemens gigaset a250 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 46 pagina's

Siemens gigaset a250 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 44 pagina's

Siemens gigaset a250 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 48 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

Als u niet binnen een kwartier uw email met handleiding ontvangen heeft, kan het zijn dat u een verkeerd emailadres heeft ingevuld of dat uw emailprovider een maximum grootte per email heeft ingesteld die kleiner is dan de grootte van de handleiding.

Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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