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1 2 3 4 5
End of programme when ...
... (Start/Reload)flashes and - ¯- appears on the display panel.
Note: If display panel lighting is switched off, press any button a Energy
saving mode, page 5.
Interrupting the programme
Programmes at high temperatures:
Cool washing: Select (Rinse)/ccentrifug. adicional c(Spin).
Press (Start/Reload).
Programmes at lower temperatures:
(Rinse)/ccentrifug. adicional c(Spin) (deactivate extra
h(Extra rinse) button) or (Empty).
Press (Start/Reload).
Changing the programme if ...
... you have selected the wrong programme by mistake:
Reselect the programme.
Press (Start/Reload). The new programme starts from the
Reloading laundry if ... apage 5
... Press (Start/Reload); both the symbols § + r are displayed on
the display panel. If ǯ is lit, the washing machine door cannot be opened.
Press (Start/Reload).
Correct installation according to the separate
installations actions.
Checking the machine
Never use a damaged machine!
Contact customer service!
Connecting the mains plug
Make sure your hands are dry!
Handle the plug only!
Turning on the tap
Sorting and loading laundry
Follow the manufacturer's care information!
Sort laundry according to the label's indications.
And according to type, colour, soiling and temperature.
Do not exceed the maximum load
aPage 7.
Observe important information! aPage 6
Wash laundry of different sizes in the same wash programme.
Close the door.
Take care not to trap items of laundry between the washing machine door and seal.
Add detergent and care products
Measure detergent according:
amount of laundry, soiling, water hardness (ask your water supply company) and
manufacturer's instructions.
For models without insert for liquid detergent:
Pour liquid detergent into the appropriate dispenser and place in the drum.
Your washing machine
Congratulations on having opted for a modern, high-quality domestic appliance
manufactured by Siemens. This washing machine is distinguished by its economical
energy consumption.
Each machine that leaves our factory has been inspected thoroughly to ensure that it
functions properly and is in perfect condition.
For further information on our products, accessories, spares and services, consult our
website www.siemens-home.com or contact any of our customer service centres.
You can find the contact details for your nearest after-sales service here or in the after-
sales service directory (depending on model).
GB 0844 8928999
(calls from a BT landline will be charged at up to 3 pence
per minute. A call set-up fee of up to 6 pence may apply)
IE 01450 2655 (0.03 € per minute at peak. Off peak 0.0088 € per minute)
Environmentally friendly waste disposal
All packaging must be disposed of in accordance with environmental guidelines.
This appliance is certified in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/CE on the
waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
This directive provides the framework for the EU-wide collection and reuse of used
Intended use
Contents Page
ʋ Intended use .......................................................................................1
ʋ Programmes ........................................................................................1
ʋ Setting and adjusting the programme ...........................................3
ʋ Washing ...........................................................................................3/4
ʋ After washing ......................................................................................4
ʋ Individual settings ..........................................................................5/6
ʋ Important information ...................................................................... 6
ʋ Overview of programmes ................................................................7
ʋ Safety instructions .............................................................................8
ʋ Consumption values .........................................................................8
ʋ Care and cleaning .............................................................................9
ʋ Information on the display panel ....................................................9
ʋ Maintenance .................................................................................... 10
ʋ What to do if ... ................................................................................ 11
Protection of the environment/Conservation tips
Always fill the washing machine with a maximum amount of
laundry for the relevant programme.
Wash normally soiled laundry without a pre-wash.
Measure the detergent according to the manufacturer's
instructions and water hardness.
If the laundry is then dried in the tumble dryer, select spin speed
according to instructions of dryer manufacturer.
Before the first wash,
run a wash cycle with no laundry in the machine aPage 9.
Setting** and adjusting programmes
Detailed overview of programmes apage 7.
Temperature and spin speed can be selected individually,
irrespective of the selected programme and programme
hard-wearing fabrics
+ prelav. (Prewash) hard-wearing fabrics, prewash
synthetic fabrics
+ prelav. (Prewash) synthetic fabrics, prewash
mix Different types of laundry
Delicate washable fabrics
ÿ lana/lã (Wool) Hand/machine washable wool
centrifug. adicional c
Laundry washed by hand, extra h(Extra rinse)
button activated; if only using the spin cycle, deacti-
vate the button
(Empty) Drain rinsing water with c(without final spin)
express 15 min. Short programme
prendas oscuras/
roupa escura
(Dark Laundry)
dark laundry
hard-wearing fabrics
Lingery programme
No-iron shirts
microfibras + impreg.
All-weather, sports and outdoor fabrics apage 6
Removing the washing
Open the washing machine door and remove the washing.
If (without final spin) is active: turn the programme selector to
(Empty) or select the spin speed.
Choose (Start/Reload).
Remove any foreign objects. Risk of rusting.
Leave the washing machine door and detergent door open
so that any residual water can evaporate.
Turn the tap off
Not required for Aqua-Stop models aRefer to Installation instructions.
Switching off
Turn the programme selector to o (Off).
ʋ for domestic use only,
ʋ for washing machine-washable fabrics and
hand-washable wool in detergent solution,
ʋ to be operated with cold or cold and hot (max. 60 ºC)
drinking water, depending on model, and commercially
available detergents and care products which are suit-
able for use in washing machines.
Do not leave children unattended near the
washing machine.
The washing machine is not to be used by
children or persons not familiar with the
operating instructions.
Keep pets away from the washing machine.
Dilute viscous fabric softener and fabric conditioner with water.
This prevents blockages.
Individual settings
Option buttons
You can change the spin speed and the temperature before the selected programme starts and while it is running. The
effects depend on the programme progress.
°C (Temperature )
You can change the displayed washing temperature. The maximum selectable temperature depends on the current
(spin speed in rpm/ (without final spin))
You can change the displayed spin speed. The maximum selectable spin speed depends on the model and which
programme is currently selected.
(Ready in)
When you select the programme, the relevant programme duration is displayed. You can delay the end of the
programme before it begins. The ready in-time can be set in increments of one hour up to a maximum of 24 hours. Press
the (Ready in) button until the required number of hours is displayed (h = hour). Choose (Start/Reload).
Additional functions aOverview of programmes, page 7
speedPerfect i For washing in a shorter time with a washing outcome comparable to that of the
standard programme. Maximum load
aOverview of programmes, page 7.
For saving energy with a washing performance comparable to that of the standard
menos â(Reduced Ironing)
Special spin sequence with subsequent fluffing. Gentle final spin: residual moisture in
the laundry slightly increased.
h(Extra rinse)
Additional rinse cycle. For areas with very soft water or for further enhancing the spin
Childproof lock
sin the display panel You can lock the washing machine to prevent the functions you have set from being
changed inadvertently.
ON/OFF: after the start/end of the programme, press and hold (Start/Reload) for
approx. 5 seconds.
Note: The childlock can remain activated until you wish to start the next programme,
even after switching off the machine.
Then you can deactivate the childlock before starting the programme and activate it
again as necessary once the programme has started.
The s symbolis lit: Childlock active.
The s symbolflashes: Childlock active and then the programme selector is
altered. To prevent the programme from stopping, move the programme selector
back to the original programme, the s symbol is lit again.
§ + or
in the display panel
Press (Start/Reload) if you want to add additional items of laundry after the
programme has started. The machine checks whether reloading is possible.
§ + r are lit: reloading is possible.
ǯ flashes: wait until § + r are lit.
Note: do not open the door until both the § + r symbols are lit.
ǯ: it is not possible to reload.
Note: for safety reasons, the washing machine door remains locked when the water
level and/or temperature is high, or during spinning.
To continue the programme, press the (Start/Reload)
Energy saving mode
The display panel lighting goes out after a few minutes, (Start/Reload) flashes. Press any button to switch on the
To start the programme or to subsequently load additional laundry, and to activate/deactivate the childproof lock.
Individual settings
Important information
Protecting the laundry and the machine
When determining the dosage of all washing powders, additives and cleaning agents, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Empty all pockets
Check for metal items (paper-clips, etc.).
Wash delicates in a laundry bag (tights, curtains, underwired bras).
Fasten zips, do up any buttons.
Brush sand out of pockets and collars.
Remove curtain fittings or place in the laundry bag.
Laundry with varying degrees of soiling
Wash new items of clothing separately.
Do not prewash. If required, choose the additional function speedPerfect. i
Pre-treat any stains as necessary.
intense wash
Load less laundry. Choose a programme with a prewash.
Soaking Load laundry of the same colour.
Pour soaking agent/detergent into compartment II in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Turn the programme
selector to algodón/algodão (Cottons)30 °C and press (Start/Reload). After approx. 10 minutes, press (Start/Reload) to
pause the programme. Once the required soaking time has elapsed, press (Start/Reload)again to continue the programme, or
select a different programme.
Starch Laundry should not be treated with fabric softener.
Starching is possible in all wash programmes if liquid starch is used. Pour the starch in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions into fabric softener compartment ~ (rinse first if necessary).
Dyeing / Bleaching
Dye should only be used in normal household quantities. Salt may damage stainless steel. Always follow the dye manufacturer's
instructions. Do not use the washing machine for bleaching clothes.
microfibras + impreg. Laundry must not be treated with fabric softener.
(Outdoor+Impregnation) Clean the detergent drawer thoroughly to remove fabric softener residue.
Special detergent and waterproofing agent suitable for machine washing are available from sports shops. Dosage according to
the manufacturer's instructions:
1. Place the special detergent for outdoor clothing in compartment II and
2. pour impregnating agent (max. 170 ml) into the ~ compartment.
Set the programme selector to microfibras + impreg. (Outdoor+Impregnation). Set the temperature.
Press (Start/Reload). Final treatment of the laundry in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Insert for liquid detergent depending on model
Position the insert for dispensing liquid detergent:
– Remove the detergent drawer completely a page 9
– Slide the insert forwards and click into place.
Do not use the insert (slide upwards): for gel detergents and washing powder,
for programmes with + prelav. (Prewash) and end time option.
Set to o
1 step, the display
panel lights up
press and
1 step, release
set to
setting the volume*setting the volume* 1 step
* if necessary, select the
function several times
1. Activating the mode
for setting the signal
2. Setting the volume
Button signals
Information signals
Detergent drawer with
compartments I, II, ~
Control panel
Service door
: - 90 ºC ºC (temp.) Select the temperature (: = cold)
- 1400* c (rpm) Select the spin speed (* depending on the model) or c(without final
spin, laundry soaks in the last rinsing water, display panel - - - )
1 - 24 h  (Ready in) End of programme after ...
Status displays Programme sequence displays:
1üü2üücü- ¯- Wash, rinse, spin, programme duration or end (-0-)
s Childproof lock apage 5
r Open the washing machine door, reload laundry apages 4, 5
Display panel /
option buttons
Additional functions Start /
Programme selector for
switching the machine on
and off and for selecting the
programme. Can be turned
in either direction.
**If the s symbol flashes in the
display panel, the childproof lock is
aDeactivate childproof lock,
page 5.
Additional functions and option
aIndividual settings,
page 5.
Press (Start/Reload)
All buttons are sensitive and need
only to be touched lightly. Press and
hold the (Ready in) option button
for an automatic run through all
setting options.
Programme selector
1 2 3 4 5
Compartment II: detergent for the main wash, water softener,
bleach, stain remover
Compartment ~: Fabric softener, bleach
Compartment I: Detergent for prewash
Insert for liquid detergent (depending on model) apage 6
1 2 3 4 5

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